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This week on the podcast, we'll be joined by Marcus Stewart and former Game Informer editor Bryan Vore. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about our favorite E3 memories and also living in Minneapolis during this moment in history.

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Josh LaBaw

Hi MinnMaxers (Minn with 2 n's). I have had time lately to go through my stack of 40 or so PS2 games collecting dust in a closet. 20 years later I have a similar sized library of games for current gen consoles & PC, but not it's nearly all digital. There is something to holding that disc in hand, knowing it was the game I played years ago. Today games are never the game that comes on the disc anymore (FF VII Remake may be the one exception). I don't know that I'll ever have this walk down memory lane moment with my PS4. A time where I pick a game out of a stack, open it up, appreciate the blue shiny disc & chuckle a little at the memories. I'm a "collectors addition" guy, so I have physical copies, but will having a stack of 4 discs vs 40 make things feel less important? Are physical games important to jogging your gaming memories? P.S. A Golden Birthday is a totally normal well know thing.


Hi Folks, You recently decided to rent out your spare room and the four silent protagonists have answered the call: Gordon Freeman Crono Link Claude Speed Which one do you let rent out the room. In this scenario you are living as you do now, so keep in mind when choosing the roommate. Which one would you feel safe living under the same roof as your children and wouldn't make your spouse or loved one want to leave.


Hello, crew! Finally making my way through Inside, and have become stuck about halfway through. Have you ever reached a point in a game where you have just been absolutely stumped about what to do next? How did you resolve this issue (i.e. somehow figuring it out, a guide, etc.)? Thanks, and keep staying safe out there!


Greetings all, I hope you are all safe and doing well, in the community we just started some Last of Us factions gaming and this is probably the best question of the week, how do you reload in the Last of Us Factions?


Hey all, What's a game trapped on an old console that you would love to see ported/remastered for current gen?


Hey howdy hey Hanson, 'horts, and friends, When looking back at E3's, it's very hard to not think about the Xbox One vs. the PS4 reveal from 2013. Phil Spencer announcing the Xbox One and stumbling over his words when announcing the price tag, only to be met with deafening silence. Then Sony comes in and gives the biggest mic-drop announcement ever. For real, has there ever been a bigger rivalry moment or a bigger moment from E3 in general? Also, I have to give a huge shout out to my favorite E3 related media ever, Leo Vader and Jeff Cork's truly hilarious series "E3 Kings." I don't think I've laughed harder at a youtube video. They are so dang funny. I really hope to see Leo do more. Thanks, Queso


Hey Ben, Ana, Suriel, JeffM, Kyle, Marcus, and Bryan, I've been doing a lot of personal reflection this week, given the moment in history we are living through, and I thought I would share a little bit of that reflection and ask if you've had any similar thoughts or feelings. Gaming, as a medium, is often lauded for providing a sense of escape. perhaps even more so than other media such as film and literature. Escapism isn't necessarily why I play games, but I do find the joy that I get from this hobby to be a welcome decompression from the stresses associated with everyday life and, more recently, the stresses of living through a global pandemic. This week; however, I don't feel like that decompression or escape are warranted, and I honestly feel guilty about gaming, because it feels like I am turning a blind eye to things that deserve my full attention outside of games. I have been participating in peaceful protests here in Richmond and financially supporting bail funds and other groups where I can, but it still feels like I should be doing more and I shouldn't be letting my foot off the gas to game. When I think about living through a moment in history and imagining when my grand-kids ask me what I did during this time, I don't want to be like, "Well, I took down this bastard Kamoshida in Persona 5 Royal. He was a real slime-ball." Do you feel similarly? Are you finding it harder to game? Are you also kind of OK with that? Thank you for all that you have been doing. Please stay safe and stay healthy. Scott Castro


Hey, Max Pack, Do you ever give names to NPCs that don't have one? For example, me and friends called the merchant in RE4, Bill. I don't know when it started, but it went on so long that I forgot it wasn't actually his name. A more recent one from GTA V was calling the officer that stands in front of the van at spike strips 'Stan the Van Man'. I think that one has more obvious roots. Thanks for the content, Brandon Milligan


Hello Benjamin and the Mainframe Admiring Associates! What's the most useless talent you have?


Good morning from a rainy day in a seaside village in Australia, My question is more of a suggestion so i apologise if it conflicts with the rules of this forum. As many of you would be aware IGN does has gotten some praise lately for their excellent series in which devs react to speedruns. I tuned in the other day and one of the dev's mentioned that they would really like to discuss the speedrun with the speedrunner while watching and i had to agree that it would be a great dynamic to see/hear devs interacting with players who have intimate knowledge of their games. Which in turn led me to the thought that a series simply based on getting devs together with players who have had meaningful interactions with games in general would be great. Trying to find things that interest devs AND a player base would be the challenge here but i like to think it's a broad enough topic it wouldn't be hard to theme. Would you guys consider doing something like this? Thanks for all the great work as usual, Merlin Price