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This is it! The grand finale for The Deepest Dive on Final Fantasy VII Remake! In this week's discussion, we're covering everything in the game from Chapter 15 up through the ending and the post-game stuff. If you're new, you can catch up on previous discussions in the Patreon-exclusive podcast feed or on MinnMax's YouTube channel.

We need your thoughts on Chapters 15-the ending for this week's discussion! So leave us a specific comment below with your favorite line of dialogue, moment in combat, side-quest, simulated fight, etc. The more specific your comment is, the higher likelihood we'll read it on air. The last call for submitting a comment will on Tuesday around noon.

A lot of people playing along or listening to The Deepest Dive haven't played the original game, so we won't be spoiling anything for them in this discussion. I understand that there's a lot to unpack with the ending in relation to the original game here, so we're going to have a bonus discussion next week where we'll talk all about it and you'll have a chance to submit your thoughts there as well.

Thanks again for playing along, writing in, and sharing The Deepest Dive with a friend!



I loved the literal use of “Remake”. The whole FFVII was being remade by Sephiroth. Only grumble is that to make full sense of the story so far you might need a deeper knowledge of FF than is acceptable in normal society.


Also, I haven't been paying super close to sales in the news (what is known at least) but I love the business side of things in the industry. If sales are great for this, how do you think that impacts the timing and scope of the next entries (will we get a world map???)? if sales are poor, based on squares bizarre history of expectations do you see a chance that next chapters are severely limited, cut short in any way? I asked this on the discord too full disclosure but would love your thoughts!


Running up all the stairs was probably my favorite part of the chapter. The fact that even cloud starts getting exhausted and barret considers going back down had me laughing the whole way up.


I’ve been using the prayer ability as Barrett a lot lately and every time I do, I like to imagine what Barrett’s prayers sound like. Can one of you guys help me out with this?


36 hours in and I threw my first grenade. Turns out...they’re pretty good!


I thought the intro of Roche near the beginning of the game would make for some pretty neat additions to the game. However, now that it's over...what was the point? Was he just added to move the plot along earlier in the game? In my head I kept thinking he would show up near the final motorcycle scene, but alas, nothing! I'm not necessarily complaining, I thought the remake was a great tribute to the original, but this has been bugging me lately.


As a FF7 veteran, I love the premise that Sephiroth is manipulating with the events in order to change his ultimate fate. That said, with SE's recent track record, I'm worried about their ability to execute for future installments. I'm also worried about them alienating newcomers with an impenetrable story/plot. What did y'all think about the end? I loved the whole game but didn't think they stuck the landing.


Dear Benjamin, I'm proud of how far you all come since Gameinformer. Now, to why I re-joined Minnmax - to talk about the Remake! 1) The real mystery isn't the time travel - it's "Why did Square choose to make this a sequel to the expanded FF7 Universe"? Crisis Core is great, but the rest includes Advent Children, that mobile game and Dirge of Cerberus...woof. 2) Square effectively wrote themselves into a bad story hole. The only way to create a remake that revisits Midgar AND make it a sequel is of course...a time travel/multiverse story, e.g. MK 9, MK11, Terminator Genesys/Daenarys and Marvel Endgame. The time travel/multiverse stuff in these make no sense, requiring drama, over the top action and good characters to disguise the nonsense. By the way, the Edge of Creation looks similar to the final time stage of MK 11 where you fight Kronika, just without a giant hourglass. 3) The mechanics of the time travel is vague and poorly delivered. I get it, hardcore fans like Maximilian (youtuber) love theorycrafting and I appreciate his talk about the "levels man". But it's still awkward and dumb! You're not sure what Aerith knows, and all the characters say vague dumb time wimey stuff like Red 13: "Is it our destiny to defy destiny?". I'll come back to this. 3) Square Enix has a poor track record of time travel/multiverse stories, that are also sequels! FF13-2, FF13-3 and 3rd Birthday ruined FF13 (which was bad already) and Parasite Eve's legacy respectively. Hell, even Chrono Cross was weird as a sequel to Chrono Trigger. There's literally a line in 3rd birthday where someone says "I'm going on a journey to find eternity". Also, in FF13-3, "Destiny is Destiny". This dumb stuff infected the dialogue at the end of Remake. 4) Personally, I never expected Remake to be a sequel. My jaw dropped seeing Zach and all, but the scenes, dialogue and character motivations just dropped in quality during the final chapter. I would have been ok with creative freedom and crazy changes that diverted from the original, just as long as it was good and made sense in and of itself. Now they've blown their load on that Sephiroth fight, and it's the stupid Advent Children Sephiroth too where he says nonsense like "This is the edge of creation". Let's see if they can salvage this.


The pacing in Shinra building was baad. The combat simulator and Hojo lab attempt at Resident evil puzzles just slowed the last part to a crawl. Further, the motorbike chase went way too long and should have added cool attack options like using Red 13 to shoot fireballs. It just felt slow and clumsy with your limited set of motorbike attacks. Also, why was Shinra's VR marketing simulation showing Meteor and the destruction of Midgar? Barrett clearly commented on it being "inappropriate for kids" , so he must have seen it too. Did Sephiroth pick up a VR programming degree?


So, first let me preface my question/comment by saying this is my first time finishing a JRPG, but am I the only one who felt the game was poorly paced on both the macro and micro levels? I feel like 4 or 5 chapters were mostly corridors (often sewers) with same-y enemies, meaning they could have been stripped out with their cut scenes redistributed into the other chapters. The cut scenes were marred by overly long pauses in the dialogue, as if the game developers didn't trust the players to understand the gravity of the words. And then there's the forced walking/disabling of sprint for the sake of dramatic effect. In sum, I feel like the game is full of great, sometimes even amazing, parts, but poor editing/pacing makes the whole less than the sum of its parts. I'm glad I played it, though.


My best theory on the VR stuff is that the mayor added it, as he contacts you immediately after


Kyle, as a father of a young child, I too would 100% just let my kid sleep in the same post-plate falling situation. Sleep for a child is absolutely precious, and a child who has slept will be in a much better place emotionally/can actually be reasoned with.


I am attempting to develop straight-forward FAQ to some of REMAKE's confusing elements but to root all answers within the LORE of Final Fantasy VII OG. I think rooting these answers within the Lore of the original game makes the game a lot deeper and satisfying. Find it here: https://www.resetera.com/threads/final-fantasy-vii-remake-spoilers-thread-part-2-stay-kalm-mosey-along-update-see-threadmark-for-full-ultimania-interview-with-the-lead-devs.197352/post-33284928


Still had this page open as a tab and noticed your comment. I don't think the cohorts read it but here's my attempt. "Scrub-a-dub-dub, thank the gods for this nub." (referring to his gun arm of course)