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We're more than halfway through The Deepest Dive on Final Fantasy VII Remake, and thanks to you we're creating the best, most thorough discussion on the internet! If you're new, you can catch up on previous discussions in the Patreon-exclusive podcast feed or on MinnMax's YouTube channel.

Now we need your thoughts on Chapters 10-14 for this week's discussion! Please don't spoil anything after Chapter 14 or from the original game. So leave us a specific comment below, with your favorite line of dialogue, moment in combat, side-quest, Midgar plate, etc. The more specific your comment is, the higher likelihood we'll read it on air. The last call for submitting a comment will on Tuesday around noon, and for my sake... can we keep them a little shorter?

You all knocked it out of the park last time, so we can't wait to hear your thoughts on Chapters 10-14. Just as a heads up, the following week's discussion will cover the rest of the game. Thanks again for playing along, being so smart and nice, and sharing The Deepest Dive with a friend!



In chapter 10 immediately when you fall down the sewers you notice Tifa and Aerith both unconscious and you have the option to talk to one of them to progress the story. Is this me seeing the first example of the hidden affection stats Cloud has with the different characters and will this have implications for certain scenes down the road?


Has anyone checked out the official soundtrack? Square pulled no punches, its 8 disks and 180 tracks! I wouldn't be surprised if this is the largest sound track ever made.


Andrea doing pull-ups in his night club outfit was historical. They gave Cloud a bunch of different outfits but can't give our boy some gym shorts and t-shirt? C'mon square


Am I the only one that hears/sees Lulu anytime Madame M speaks? 🤔


Never finished the original FF7, but played through the beginning a few times. What's interesting in FF7R is the focus on the logistics of navigating a city like Midgar, especially in chapters 10-14. It's so difficult to move between the different sectors, it makes the upper plates feel impossibly far away and inaccessible. This scale makes the character's struggles even more daunting, cause they appear insignificant in the context of this giant city, but it also reinforces those moments where they rely on and help each other (Tifa and Cloud rescuing Aerith in the Train Graveyard, Aerith going to save Marlene, Avalanche sacrificing themselves, etc.). Tried to keep it short, can't wait to talk about the final chapters!


Just wanted to say how crazy it was to look up into the night sky after the plate fell and see the gaping hole it left. It was sad yet beautiful that we got a better look at the sky above Midgar at that cost.


When I got to Chapter 14 and saw the huge blank list of sidequests it wanted me to complete, I kind of understood why people are complaining about the padding. Then I realized how much I enjoy playing this game and I realized I wanted to stay in this world longer. I'm in no hurry to rush through and finish the game.


The side quests in Chapter 14 made me want to quit the game. I’m hitting a wall with it, not in terms of difficulty, but rather in interest. I know that I can skip the side quests. The gamer in me won’t let me, tho. Ironic that I’d rather quit the whole game instead of just the side quests. I’ll power through, but my enjoyment has been sapped by Chapter 14 side quests. I’m at 35 hours and 40 minutes of playtime (without having finished Chapter 14 at the time I write this) and am feeling every minute now. I’ll finish Chapter 14 before I listen to the Deepest Dive, but...struggling.


Hello - First time submitter. A couple comments, this is my first time going through FF7 and so far I would say its been great, but I do have a couple comments. 1.) I love the combat system but I wish they would actually let us use it more and with middle tier bad guys. I was very disappointed that I was fighting wear rats in the chapter 10 sewers who were essentially one combo kills. On the other end of the spectrum the boss fights are cool but not all that much fun I spend more time throwing phoenix downs and revives than enjoying the combat. Thus why I wish there was more middle tier bad guys. 2.) I was disappointed with the gameyness of the environments in chapters 10 and 11 here we have the super soldier with a big'ol sword and he can't cut through a flimsy gate or step over a little box cause there is a tarp over it. More so when we had to cross over the canal like thing between sector 6 and 7 it was like a 10 foot jump he could have tossed Aerith and Tifa over the gap and jumped over instead of having me run and open a couple gates. Similarly, the graveyard had several setups that frustrated me by blocking paths with simple means. I am guessing that original FF7 didn't have these types of limitations due to the game style and Square implemented these boundaries of keep the players contained and on the straight and narrow path. Which for FF7 being such a large RPG it does feel restrictive compared to most RPG game designs today. The two comments aside I am still loving the game and am looking forward to continuing the journey. Love what you guys are doing - Thank you for all the hard work.


Thanks for all the hard work Hanson. Apologies for the long posts. We’ll keep it short next round. ;)


I laughed so hard when Barrett tells Wedge " I'd kick yo' ass if you didn't look like shit" when he and Tifa find him under S7. But the V.O. leans into Red Fox territory for that line in perticular and it hit me just right 😂 I would love to hear the panel do their best read of that in in a Red Fox-ish style. Thanks for all the hard work, Be Well


Okay; I'm finally catching up with this deepest dive and; Hold on one minute.... Are you guys web playing the same game as I? Ben; you talk about how Tifa and Berrett as talking about Wedge, saying " he's probably dreaming of his cats, but the last thing Tifa saw, was Wedge trying to help Aeirth get Merline. As far as she knows; Wedge of find and dreaming of his cats. She doesn't know Wedge went back into sector 7 to try to get as many people to safety. She doesn't know a section of the plate fall on him. Only we see that! Not her. And as I'm sure you know now; we won't learn his fate until later. I just had you can you put on that, man! Love what you guys as doing, but I can bullshit on that! LOL 😆