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Welcome to a very special episode of MinnFAQs, our Patreon-exclusive weekly Q&A for some of MinnMax's biggest supporters. The last Sunday of the month we open up the phone lines and call $20 supporters from Discord's secret High Council channel to let them ask whatever they'd like! On this episode, Ben Hanson talks about A Link to the Past, the best/worst movie-going experience, and choosing future Deepest Dives.

Thanks again to our $20 supporters for both supporting us and calling in to the show! If YOU want to join us in future episodes of MinnFAQs, please consider joining the High Council... even if only for a month.

This week at MinnMax we'll be looking for your best Breath of the Wild pictures for a special edition of Photomode Snap, covering Chapters 10-14 in Final Fantasy VII Remake for The Deepest Dive, and more!



Love these. Keep up the good work!


On the call to Jared did anyone else hear some really disturbing heavy breathing I was almost in tears it was. So funny