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After stumbling across it, the Easy Allies Podcast quickly became my favorite gaming podcast. I thought the host Kyle Bosman did a great job of moving things along while still expressing a deep love for the game industry. Before launching MinnMax, I talked to Easy Allies' Brandon Jones and Daniel Bloodworth and their advice and insight were incredibly important to the foundations of this entire adventure. So it was a real bummer to hear that Kyle Bosman was leaving Easy Allies. Thankfully, he was gracious enough to call in and talk about his decision and reflect on his career.

Even if you aren't familiar with Easy Allies, hopefully you enjoy this conversation about managing a Patreon, hosting podcasts, and why it's important to stare at a mountain every once in a while.

If you prefer to watch the video version of this discussion, you can find it here -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OSZedwpXh4 

I'm excited to hear Brandon Jones' take on the Easy Allies Podcast, so definitely still check them out!  https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies 



That's a very perfect Kyle thumbnail


Oh cool! Stoked to hear this!!


Hanson you did it!!


This is awesome! Easy Allies is the only other group I pledge on here. I to was sad to hear about Kyle last month. I’ve been following the guys (mostly Brandon, Blood and Damiani) for over a decade. So I’m also used to seeing people come and go with them. But this one was different, because Kyle (like the other 8) was extremely important to the creation of EZA, and seeing him leave our baby, (I say ours, because they make you feel like one of the allies) was disheartening. But we love Kyle and want to watch him grow. Wish you nothing but the best Kyle! We’ll miss ya for sure. L&R

Jake Z

This was good. Been a long time Easy Allies supporter. I'm curious why you didn't ask him what he wanted to return to school for? Did he mention beforehand that he wouldn't say? Seems like it would've been an interesting line of inquiry.

Jake Z

BTW where's the MinnTrax Patreon post? I have thoughts on the episode!

Jake Z

Ben, I know you really want to expand the reach of MinnMax, but if you want to get people to support the Patreon, there needs to be significant perks for supporting. You can learn from Easy Allies and you can learn from Colin Moriarty, the two top gaming Patreons. To start, they both delay the release of their flagship shows for non-patrons by two days. And they both have exclusive Patreon content. As Kyle mentioned, a significant amount of people patronized when EZA would release Spoiler Modes. I think that's when I decided to patronize. Colin Moriarty does exclusive spoiler episodes too, although he releases them to non-patrons months later. He also decided to do a weekly exclusive podcast in the last year or so which centers on some newsy topic of the week and related community questions, extended listener mailbag on anything, or unique episodes like "tell me what I'm wrong about." The exclusive weekly show considerably boosted his Patreon numbers, and I was one of those Patrons. There was a lot of Patreon value added with that. Before joining, I had also complained or made corrections from time to time on his podcast YouTube page, but never received a response. After joining the Patreon I realized he responds to just about every comment on the Patreon posts and I felt like I was heard when commenting. I think this stuff really drives engagement and loyalty, because even when he annoys me not infrequently, I still feel connected and have built-up goodwill to continue support. To be honest, the fact that you more often respond to YouTube comments than Patreon comments is off-putting. It only makes sense to give more of your attention to your Patrons as they're the ones keeping you afloat. Also in this vein, the idea that MinnFAQS questions would be exclusive to $20 supporters was baffling to me from the beginning. Cup of Jones allows questions from any level of supporter. And it makes sense because you want brand engagement from all your financial supporters. The $20+ supporters are likely mostly contributing that much out of pure generosity anyway, and they can be rewarded in ways less deleterious to overall supporter engagement. The base of your support is going to come from $5 Patrons and they should feel like they're getting their money's worth, as many are comparing the value of their Patreon subscription to all the other subscription services out there. To summarize, I think you should delay The MinnMax Show for non-patrons and make shows like Max Spoilers and Deepest Dive exclusive as it diversifies your exclusive portfolio. Right now, all you have is MinnFAQS. I haven't been interested in any of the Deepest Dive games, so my perk to submit comments for that show has been worthless to me so far, but I would've liked to submit comments for some of the Max Spoilers discussions. That would add value to the Patreon too. This and more Patron engagement could really help your Patreon. Maybe all of this is worthless because your entire strategy is to give content to as many people as possible and hope enough of them support out of goodwill or the ability to submit questions, but I don't think that's a sustainable model. I think you need to give financial supporters considerable added value, as there's too much other content out there to compete with. Sorry to be so blunt, but you seemed very interested in how to better your Patreon in your conversation with Kyle, so I figured I'd give you my observations. I've been a Patron from the beginning, but most of my support at this point is out of generosity because I like you guys and want to help sustain you. Even my EZA patronage is mostly out of generosity at this point. I'm not getting that much exclusive content and they don't really ever respond to Patron comments. Colin's is the only Patreon where I really feel like I'm getting my money's worth. I think that's a big reason why he's doing so well. Hopefully there's more of a change in that direction.

Tommy Carver-Chaplin

I have to say, as someone who has been a Patron since Day 1, I thought way too much of their content was behind a paywall and I MUCH prefer their model of as much content being accessible to the public as possible, with a few perks behind a wall (though maybe something better than MinnFaqs yeah). I do agree with you that I did find the pricing of it to be a little unrealistic though, yeah.