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This is it, folks! Thanks to all of your wonderful support of MinnMax and your amazing minds leaving insightful comments, we're very happy to present The Deepest Dive on Final Fantasy VII Remake! THANK YOU!

Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Grant, and Ronnie dissect the first four chapters from Square-Enix's Final Fantasy VII Remake and read hundreds of your comments along the way. We don't spoil anything after Chapter 4 and don't reveal spoilers from the original 1997 game. In this discussion, we talk about Tifa and Cloud's relationship, how the combat gameplay compares to Final Fantasy XV, and whether or not Roche is terrible.

If you prefer to watch the video version, check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_TWmB1ofGM

For the next discussion airing on April 22nd, please play through Chapter 9. We'll have the post up looking for your thoughts on April 20th.

If you enjoy the discussion, any help sharing it with a friend is appreciated!



Legitimately my most anticipated content from y’all is deepest dives. Keep up the great work guys!


What a fun episode! I’m glad you guys have a reverence for this game but can still laugh at the weird parts. This is gonna be a fun ride!


there is no date with tifa but your choice matters for later in the game. it’s minor but it does make a difference.

Frank Acevedo

Seriously, y’all are the best in podcasting. Hilarious, insightful, smart and just over all fun, positive and entertaining. I do my best to evangelize and spread the gospel of Minnmax like a crazy person 😉👍 I wanted to maybe shed some lore light on a question that y’all kept bringing up and that is Shinra’s power over Midgar. I do believe in the original game at some point but is also expanded on in the Turks mobile cellphone game i think that the Slums was the original Midgar and Shinra was just a small electric company that aggressively expanded to this massive energy conglomerate after their scientist found out how to harness Mako. As Shinra grew they built the plates over Midgar for their employees and over time the people of Midgar below migrated into the city above because everyone practically worked at Shinra. This is why everything on the “pizza” is made and operated by Shinra even the police, fire department and hospitals are all Shinra employees. the original Midgar eventually becomes the slums and the plate’s above becomes the new Midgar really making Mayor Domino a powerless figure head and President Shinra and the rest of the executives the real people of power in a city Shinra themselves created. There are hints of this in the pedestrian dialogue but I do hope they explore this more in the remake. Absolutely loving the game and can’t wait to play more for the Deepest Dive.


This was such a joy to listen to whilst I terraformed my AC island.


I dont think Ronnie needs to be introduced as your best friend anymore. He is our best friend now.

Alex Cabrera

So in Before Crisis the Japan only compilation game. Cloud, who then is still under the employ of Shinra, is involved with greater Avalanche's attempt to assassinate President Shinra, among other things. Barret's cell was a Splinter group that was expelled for for being too extremist some time after. Understandable for fans of the original that didn't really delve in to the obscure expanded media to think that it's out of left field though.


These friends are cool