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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

During the main segment, we'll be talking about the Final Fantasy VII Remake and possibly featuring a guest or two for another discussion.

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Waddup prudent spenders! What's the deepest buying hole you've gone on? I let my sister borrow my medium sized monitor, so I started looking at new monitors. I ended up with a four monitor VESA mount, two 27" monitors, and a smaller monitor on the side... :(


Hello Social Distancing Delinquents! My question is a simple one but one that I think is fun to think about: What is one of or your absolute favorite sound effect or vocal exclamation from a video game?


Hey Ben and the Max Minners! What movie would you like to see be adapted into a video game on an older platform? For example, I would have like any of the Star Wars movies after the original trilogy get the Super Star Wars treatment. Or maybe the Avengers saga be turned into a 2D sprite beat'em up. Thanks for all that you do and stay safe!


First Time Caller, semi new watcher. With FF7 Remake being the biggest game releases of all time i decided to double dip and get the game from the Australian PSN to play the game THAT much sooner. Has there been any game where you bought a different version or ordered from 2 different stores in the hopes to receive a copy early? With Kingdom hearts 3 releasing 5 days earlier in Japan i spent 6 months learning japanese just so i could play it without having to wait. Thank you Minn Max crew !


New Supporter but long time fan, while most of us are stuck at home I guess what I would be curious in is while you are stuck in your house and you could pick one game system and 4 games to play on that system what would they be? Would you choose long gameplay over replayability? Inquiring minds want to know or maybe just me,


Hey Howdy Hey Ben and the 'horts, Ok, I know JeffM finishing RDR2 comes up every episode, and was hoping to do this on the MinnFAQS call-in, but let me give JeffM my best sales pitch. Don't worry! no spoilers at all, i promise. JeffM, I, like you, put down RDR2 about halfway into the game. In fact, I put that game down 3 different times and only pushed through to the end because of the MinnMax discord's encouragement. I am SO glad i did finish it. JeffM, I have heard your hesitancy and I don't think anyone is explaining it correctly. You got sucked into the open world aspect of the game and don't want to get lost in that aspect again on your way through the story if you pick it back up. Think of the game like a diamond shape on a deck of cards. It's narrow at the top, or beginning of the game, and slowly gets wider in scope as the game introduces you to the open world. When that game opened up all the way to the widest part, you, like many folks, explored all the aspects of open world. Now, you might be thinking the game is like a triangle and there is even more to do later in the game, so it's too intimidating to go back. In reality, there is that bottom half to the diamond. You hit a point in the story where it starts to narrow in scope again. The narrative in the game encourages you to focus on the story and the back half of the game becomes more and more linear. And for me, that was the VERY BEST part of the game. RDR2 is at its best when its diving into the characters and that's what the later story is all about. I'm not saying you should expect Uncharted in terms of linearity, but some of the narrative beats are in that vein and really make RDR2 the masterpiece it is. We have a mandatory quarantine and now is the time! Jump back in where you were in the game and follow the main story. I promise it's worth it! Thanks, Queso

Mark Cruz

Hello Ben. I have the most important question of the week to ask. How are you doing? I’m sorry the Patreon numbers went down because of COVID. But I want to know how you are doing mentally during this time, sincerely your friend, mark.


Hey Ben and MinnMaxers! I just joined the force here and was curious...do you all have trouble separating enjoying playing games on your own time and playing games for work? I know it sounds like a dream job to many people, but are there times when you know you are gonna have to invest a lot of time into something that is going to be really crappy? Thanks! Stephen Z


Do any of you use K to pause YouTube or space bar? Why isn’t space bar universally a pause/play button for streaming??

Josh LaBaw

Thoughts on Breakfast for dinner?