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To cap off The Celebration of Final Fantasy VII, we're very excited to kick off our gigantic community game club for Final Fantasy VII Remake! We're breaking up the game into several sections and talking about each in as much detail as possible thanks to your comments and insight submitted here on Patreon.

The first episode will air on April 15th and covers everything in the game through Chapter 4, which is roughly six hours in. We'll create a post looking for your comments on April 13th. If you're playing along with us, it couldn't hurt to take notes on very specific things that caught your attention.

We're going to have a lot of fun talking about this game and we can't wait to read your comments. Ain't no getting offa this train we're on.


Get Ready For The Deepest Dive On Final Fantasy VII Remake

MinnMax is proud to celebrate the return of Final Fantasy VII with a community-driven game club that will be the best, most thorough discussion about the remake on the internet. Instead of a simple review for Square-Enix's ambitious remake, we're going to savor every detail. On April 15th we're launching The Deepest Dive that will cover everything in the game up through Chapter 4 (right before getting on the train to Mako Reactor 5) and we'll be reading your comments and insight left on our Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Buy MinnMax merch here - https://minnmax.com/merch Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/minnmaxshow Go behind the scenes on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minnmaxshow Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/minnmaxshow Please support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Thanks to the following Patreon supporters for their generous support of MinnMax at the $50 tier! Get your name on the list right here - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax iam8bit Easy Going Gaming Jawarhello Seth Walker The Smak Mark Seliga Jesse Vitelli Mirko Arico-Torreno Zachary Pligge Ludwig Roque James Smith Steve Bamdad David Lacolucci Rob Hudak (aka Rook) Yarrow Michael Jacques Cameron Wardlaw



Can't wait to listen to these in a year when that exclusivity drops ;)


I'm excited to finally participate in a Deepest Dive! FF7 is one of my favorite games and I can't wait to talk about it with the community. O even started listening to GI's Game Club on the original as I continue my playthrough from the end of Midgar.


I'm worried that I won't get my copy on time. Amazon keeps sending emails saying it'll probably be delayed. Really annoying since I pre-ordered when it was first announced. I get that they are prioritizing warehouse space for essential household goods, but really? How much space could a bunch of slim game cases take up...


Amazon currently shows a delivery date on the 14th... so I guess I can't contribute to the first discussion :/


I’m anxiously tracking my physical copy through UPS. Crossing fingers for an on-time delivery Thursday night. I may not sleep.


Are you still planning on playing through midgar for the classic ff7? No worries I know your busy, just curious.


Yup, here you go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IsE3Y2eY7w&feature=youtu.be


Well since I won't have my copy in time thanks to Amazon BS, I may post a question related to the original FF7. Hopefully it won't be too confusing :p


Do we need to beat Chapter 4 or stop before chapter 4? The post says up through, but I just want to double check, because I could easily put another 12 hours in!


Awesome play through. I enjoyed the banter between Ben and his ole pals as well.

Steve Bitto

While the music has generally been great, there have been a few instances where it hasn't jived with the setting. For example, Cloud's Theme playing in the Slums. This is almost certainly because of the strong associations I still have with the original but I'd be interested to hear what a newcomer thinks about the music.