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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

Also, during the main section of the show we're planning on talking about Resident Evil 3, the best 3D Mario games, and Epic Games as a publisher. If you have any comments or questions about those topics, leave them below as well!

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well. (Hey Jeff, how's your week in particular going?) Anyway, a while back you asked for people to write in with weird coincidences and I've got one that involves YOU, Ben Hanson. 2 podcasts ago you mentioned "The Berenstein Bears." For those not familiar, the Berenstein Bears is a long running children's book series that has been around since 1962 and has been adapted into television shows, museum exhibits and even a live show. OR IS IT??? See, the thing is that "The Berenstein Bears" never existed. For some reason, this long running series that is loved by millions is incorrectly remembered as being "The BerenSTEIN Bears" when in reality it is "The BerenSTAIN Bears." People have been trying to figure out for years why such a high percentage of people distinctly remember the series name in the same incorrect way, even going so far as to use it as evidence for the existence of parallel universes. But the truth is that nobody really knows why so many people remember the series as "The Berenstein Bears" when it was never that. It has always and only been "The Berenstain Bears." Cue the eerie music. Anyway, love the show and greatly appreciate what you guys do. It's a highlight in my week. Be good. Have fun. Let's go! ~Brady E.


Any of you guys playing mount and blade 2:bannerlord? It came into early release this week. Brief history: the game has taken years to develop since they started over twice!


If you had the choice to live in an alternate universe based off of a videogame which videogame world would you choose to live in? You could take your family, friends, etc if they were willing to go as well. Which world would you feel comfortable starting a new life in? If you have a family/friends, do you think they would be up for your selection? I'd choose the world of Final Fantasy VIII. It always seemed like a nice place to live overall. Thanks!


Hello there Minnmaxers! Do you guys have a comfort game that relaxes you that would otherwise be a very tense experience for other people? For me, Resident Evil Remake is nothing but pure bliss when I play it, even though it is meant to be a terrifying experience. To be clear, the first time I played the game it scared the daylights out of me, but after replaying it literally dozens of times it is a calming and therapeutic treat.


Hey Hanson and the Homo Sapiens Here’s a little game for you. Can you guess the game using only these short poems about them? Hope you enjoy! -Phil Sullivan from Melbourne, Australia Question 1: Build ‘em up, Break ‘em down Make a pick and go to town Find some gems of bluish hue And make more stuff for you to do. Though the world is awful square. I can’t resist my going there. Question 2: Out of bed and saddle up Drain the coffee from your cup Head off fishing or hunting then Or poker in a gambling den Its so relaxing, I can’t pretend “Hey there, mister!” “Hey there, friend!” Question 3: A little light will guide the way To save the forest from true dismay from evil acts of a big ol’ bird Which upon our hero, pain conferred. Jump and roll and fight and flee An order as tall as the Ginso tree. Question 4: Life destroyed by a blinding blast You’re a fossil from the past Find your son, quick as you can! Find some ammo in a garbage can Put on your armor, pull out your gun Post-apocalypse is actually kinda fun… Question 5: Welcome to your brand new home Feel free to stay or go and roam Through forests, beaches, mines or town While growing profits from the ground A little valley with massive heart Enjoying life is a cultivated art. Answers: Minecraft, Red Dead Redemption 2, Ori and the Blind Forest, Fallout 4, Stardew Valley (Don't read this) PS. Sorry if I reposted this multiple times, I couldn't find my comment the first time I posted it...


Hey CLCs. I think I don't like competitive multiplayer and tell people such, but I've got hundreds of hours in Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, Titanfall 2, been playing Warzone and that got me into Modern Warfare's multiplayer and I've put a ton of hours into both modes now. And in a couple of weeks I'll tell myself it's not my thing again. What little gaming lie do you keep telling yourselves? Don't get sick, but stay sick ill!


I am officially at the point in my self-isolation where I am buying tons of things—movies, albums, video games, books, household items etc and not using any of it before buying something else. I am fortunate enough to have an essential job and to also be able to work from home but clearly I’m stressed out. Any of you done any shopping therapy? Any good purchases or examples of shoppers remorse?


Hey CLCS, Relistening to old GI podcasts cause I'm bored to tears but I found a clip of Kim making fun of fortnite before it blew up and it's pretty funny. https://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2016/09/22/gi-show-best-worst-new-ip-virginia-review-bioshock-game-club.aspx @00:21:00 I'm wondering: what's the most wrong first impression you've ever had about a game/show/band/franchise or anything really (people??) Thanks love the show, -Dan White Everybody


What is one thing you wish was more socially acceptable? Running places is my answer. All through college I remember wanting to run everywhere around campus without looking like a dork, just for efficiencies sake. Also, picking your nose should be acceptable as long as you wash your hands afterwards. We all do it.


Hiya Minnmax folks, my question for you this week is: what should be Capcom's strategy moving forward? Numerous sources have already ruled out a Code Veronica remake or Dino Crisis (unfortunately) but should they look to other franchises? Or maybe do Resident Evil 4, which I would personally love. Maybe they should move away from remakes entirely, though rumor has it that the studio helping out with Resi 3 is in charge of the next, larger, remake. Would love to hear your thoughts as always.


Hello there Minnisters, What is your moment from Replay or Super Replay? My favorite moment has to be the Bizarre Detective stories by the brilliant Benjamin Reeves. His delivery had me in tears and the animation at the end of the Legend of Zelda Super Replay was simply the best surprise! I'd love to hear about your memories as some of the fine folk that made the series something I looked forward to each week for years. Cheers, Nick Luedeman from Indy


Hiya Minnmax folks, my second question of the week is: What do you make of the rumour - that's all it is - of Microsoft buying most if not all of Konami's IP? Silent Hills, Metal Gear, Castlevania? There's very little to back this rumour up, which is supposedly an E3 (rip) scoop, but it has been put up by various sites. It wouldn't surprise me personally, but I'm not sure if Castlevania and Silent Hills have much commercial value. Both IP would have to be reinvented for current tech and at that point wouldn't a new IP make more sense? And what of Metal Gear, assuming Kojima won't be involved? Again, very much a rumour, but interesting to think about nonetheless. Thanks much!


I now realise that even with the world in the state that it's in, it's still April 1st. So take this with a comically large grain of salt.