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Welcome back, villagers! This Wednesday we're airing the second installment of our community game club on Animal Crossing: New Horizons with friend of the show Ana Diaz, localization expert/streamer Sarah Podzorski, and co-owner of Pink Gorilla Games and co-director of the Video Game History Foundation Kelsey Lewin.

Please leave a comment below and there's a good chance we'll read it on the air during the game club, the more specific your comment is the higher the odds we'll read it. We covered a lot of the basics during the first discussion above, but please let us know how your villagers have grown or changed, what you think of the longevity of the Nook Miles system, or anything else that you think would be fun to discuss. We'll stop collecting comments early on Tuesday morning.

This will be the final installment of our Animal Crossing game club for a while, since we have the exciting game club for Final Fantasy VII Remake coming up on April 15th. However, we do think it will be fun to rekindle this game club down the road to check in on how everybody's islands in Animal Crossing are doing. So stay tuned!


Animal Crossing: New Horizons - The Deepest Dive

On this community-fueled game club discussion, MinnMax's Ben Hanson is joined by Ana Diaz, Sarah Podzorski, and Kelsey Lewin to talk all about their first days with Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch. We read comments from the community submitted on Patreon about the best way to make some Bells, the curse of time travel, and whether Tom Nook is running a cult on this island. The next discussion will be airing next week, and you can leave your comment for us to read about Animal Crossing by supporting MinnMax on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax You can follow the guests on Twitter or watch them stream here! @AnaLikesPikachu @kelslewin - https://www.twitch.tv/kelseylewin @sarahpodz - https://www.twitch.tv/sarahpodz Buy MinnMax merch here - https://minnmax.com/merch Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/minnmaxshow Go behind the scenes on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/minnmaxshow Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/minnmaxshow Please support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Thanks to the following Patreon supporters for their generous support of MinnMax at the $50 tier! Get your name on the list right here - https://www.patreon.com/minnmax Iam8bit Seth Walker BeatenDownBrian The Smak Jawarhello Mark Seliga Jesse Vitelli Zachary Pligge Mirko Arico-Torreno Rob Hudak (aka Rook) David Lacolucci



This is hyper specific, but I realized today that if you eat a fruit, the animation implies that your character is reaching up into your menu and pulling out a fruit. And I love that.


I just have a request: I am looking for some juicy later-game tips to making my island feel more like my own unique town. I'm not super creative at this, so what would you say to help me reach "new horizons" with the look and feel of my hometown! Thanks!


I usually dont like games where equipment breaks but I think Animal Crossing handles it really well. Its so easy to craft a new item when one breaks and there are always plenty of resources to make basic tools. Even when travelling to other islands you have multiple ways to get new equipment and you never feel let down by something breaking.


Hey you Animal Crossers, first off I’ve really been loving this game I’ve clocked in 65 hours already! My question is have you tried the nook miles cast master challenge? You have to get 100 fish in a row without losing one. It took me 3 tries, the first ended at 68 due to someone leaving my island abruptly, and the second at 94 because of a sneeze. When I finally got it I jumped for joy and quickly realized I hadn’t stood up for about 5 hours. Remember to take breaks everyone!


Getting cast master was definitely satisfying. I had caught 71 in a row island fishing without realizing it. Had to do controlled breathing to get the remaining 29. You can kind of save scum to get it more easily, but that's not fool proof. Plus you miss out on the feeling of deep satisfaction from that 100th perfect catch.


I don't have too much new to add. I've mostly just been enjoying the relaxed pace of the game. One thing I've noticed that is really obscure: The plane that takes you to nook ticket islands seems to be colored based on your airport, which differs from person to person. I do have a couple of achievements since the first post. I got cast master 100, caught every possible March bug and fish, and tonight, during the meteor shower, got 200 wishes! The cast master 100 in particular is nice to have done, as it takes so much pressure out of fishing. I also discovered a nook ticket badge for losing a floating present. I wasn't paying attention and popped it over a river haha. Makes me curious what some of the other hidden badges may be.


I also have to say I love how active the villagers are in this installment. My neighbor Cookie was doing yoga or something in the community area, and I've also found my neighbor Katt in that same area singing a cute little song. The villagers actually build their own furniture to decorate their houses with, instead of having an instantly furnished home like in previous games. There are so many little things that make this game feel alive.


What is your favorite internet trend or meme to come from the game or community so far?


I love how eager Timmy and Tommy always are! When they open up their own shop, did you notice they'll follow you around as you're browsing? I don't like it IRL, but the way they scoot towards you with their tiny feet is just adorable. Also adorable: when you use your wardrobe to try out different outfits, every time you put something on, you strike a different pose! Now that's something I love in Animal Crossing and IRL!


Did you notice they will look slightly to the left for items on the left side of the thought-bubble / menu, slightly to the right for items on the right side?


Howdy, has Kelsey considered the villager Rocket as an official spokesperson for her company? https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Rocket


It's a simple thing but I find it very interesting all the different containers they have added for fish and bugs. Especially when compared to the small amount of different containers the previous Animal Crossing games had.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 06:43:27 Hey Ben & CLCH ! First time playing an AC game, I’m sticking with it despite not being completely hooked at this point. The game is about relashionships but playing offline creates a dreading sense of isolation... The only thing I think would tie the experience together is Interacting with my friends online, visiting each other and sharing things. I don’t have an Online subscription but I certainly will get one, as it seems to be the only way the game will make sense for me in the long run. Are you guys finding fun outside of online mode? Is AC a viable single player game? How did previous gen games work on that front? Stay safe boys 💖
2020-03-31 15:02:40 Hey Ben & CLCH ! First time playing an AC game, I’m sticking with it despite not being completely hooked at this point. The game is about relashionships but playing offline creates a dreading sense of isolation... The only thing I think would tie the experience together is Interacting with my friends online, visiting each other and sharing things. I don’t have an Online subscription but I certainly will get one, as it seems to be the only way the game will make sense for me in the long run. Are you guys finding fun outside of online mode? Is AC a viable single player game? How did previous gen games work on that front? Stay safe boys 💖

Hey Ben & CLCH ! First time playing an AC game, I’m sticking with it despite not being completely hooked at this point. The game is about relashionships but playing offline creates a dreading sense of isolation... The only thing I think would tie the experience together is Interacting with my friends online, visiting each other and sharing things. I don’t have an Online subscription but I certainly will get one, as it seems to be the only way the game will make sense for me in the long run. Are you guys finding fun outside of online mode? Is AC a viable single player game? How did previous gen games work on that front? Stay safe boys 💖


Hello fellow Villagers! If Ben was a villager, what animal/type would he be, and what would his three move-in items be? I know one thing for sure; his sentence qualifier would be “cohort”