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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

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Hey y’all, I am currently playing through Sonic Forces on PS4 since it was free with PlayStation Plus, and I gotta say, this game is garbage, but I’m still nearing the end of the game. By the time you see this I may have even beaten the final boss. But it made me wonder; What is the last game you played that was objectively complete trash, but you found some kind of enjoyment out of it and continued to push through regardless? Regards, Tyler P.S. Since posting my initial question I have beaten Sonic Forces.... that game is not good!


Howdy fam, When was the last time you were sold a game based purely on the cover? We can include the back if that helps. I'm struggling to think, but it would have to be back in the PS2 generation before I started reading more about games and didn't need the covers as much. My best guess for mine is Shadow Hearts, angsty teen holding a knocked out love interest with a random castle in the background? Sign me up! Thanks!


Hey there socially distanced CLC's! I've got a username opinion question for you: My name is Chris Fayter, and historically I've always gone with the username Darth Fayter, because c'mon, my last name is Fayter. More recently though I've been using the contraction of my first and last name Crayter. I've got mixed feelings on which one to stick with in the long run though. I Like Darth Fayter for obvious reasons, and its nice that its always available, but I don't know if I want to be known exclusively as "That guy named after Star Wars" even though I love Star Wars. Also it's more of a mouthful over a mic than just Crayter. Having a non-IP attached name like Crayter is nice, but it's also much less available and subsequently feels less unique. So what are your opinions/votes? Darth Fayter or Crayter?


Hello Fam, I have a bit of a conundrum. I was looking over all my subscription services today, and I began thinking about my subscriptions to PlayStation Plus and PS Now. Before you dismiss PS Now, as is the trend, the service works well for me. With more than 800 games on the service, it provides a lot of value even if I only use it sporadically. Since most, if not all, PS4 games are downloadable, sustained bandwidth isn't an issue. Regardless, my connection is more than adequate to stream. The thing is, both services are $59.99 a year. Looking over the 13 years of games I claimed from PlayStation Plus, they're not games I would necessarily play or replay. Losing any of them would have no lasting negative impact on me. Additionally, I don't utilize multiplayer, and all the free-to-play games don't require Plus anyway. What's left? Discounts and cloud saves? So I ask, is there any value in keeping PlayStation Plus? If you subscribe, why? Thanks for keeping me sane during my social isolation.


Which game’s do you think will be delayed because of the coronavirus? I don’t think call of duty or cyberpunk will hit there deadlines. Also do you think any consoles would be delayed?


Hey Cohorts! So just a heads up, light spoilers for breath of the wild in this post. Nothing big, it’s just related to the horses in the game. So anyway, in my first playthrough of the game, I was on a high cliff looking out below when I saw a team of horses. I had seen many throughout the game, but this one was different. It was a family with a few younger smaller ponies in it along with their mother. Upon looking back at this moment I should have glided down and interacted with them. But I must’ve been busy searching for a shrine or something So I moved on and just chalked up that discovery to another small, cool thing that botw did. However, there are no ponies in botw (at least that I know of...) it was later, when someone told me about a gigantic horse that they found, that I realized this. They described the gigantic horse and it was the horse that I had seen earlier that I thought was the mother. I felt so dumb. I had totally glossed over a cool discovery in the game and didn’t even realize it. This isn’t integral to the story or anything but I was wondering if you guys had any similar stories. Any big reveals or discoveries in a game, big or small, that you just totally missed or didn’t realize at the time? Would love to hear your guys’ stories if you got any! Thanks for all you guys do! Love & Respect! -Beeks from Grand Rapids, MI


Hello to all! Including my rival JeffM, who spells their name incorrectly. Just finished the game Outer Wilds the other day, and that game is fascinating! The exploration, moment to moment discovery, and time based puzzles were so much fun. What was the last game you played that gave you a great feeling of discovery with out having the game hold your hand through the process? -Geoff aka Groffles


Heya y'all! Great new logo by the way! Quick question related to what I'm currently playing. For the past few days I've been playing Resident Evil 2 Remake and BotW. Both games are pretty good (the former far more for me), but they also both have game mechanics I'm not really fond of. For RE2 Remake, it's Mister X. He's supposed to be that big, scary threat, but it doesn't work on me so I just find him annoying like a little brother that doesn't want to go away when you want to be alone. For BotW, I'm really not a fan of durability, especially how low it is. It's a mechanic that I never can figure out why it's included since, if it's too low, it gets in the way of gameplay all the time and is a pain to deal with and, if it's too high, it ends up not mattering and feeling useless to be included in the game. All of that to ask: Which game mechanic do you dislike the most personally and why is that? Is it because it's included too often? Ruins the pace of the game? Gets in the way of the 'fun'? Thanks you for the show as always!


Personally, I'd say Resident Evil 2 Remake. Been playing that lately and, while not hugely complicated to figure out where I need to go and how to solve the simple puzzles, it has been nice just being given an objective and the game being "Now figure out how to accomplish that."


That is a good example. I haven't played that yet, so that will have to be something I line up next.


Hey duders! Hope everyone is staying healthy. With the release of Doom Eternal, we have gotten another great Original soundtrack by Mick Gordon. Listening to his music got me thinking how different it sounds compared to other games. My question today is what is your guys’ favourite oddball soundtracks from games that are unique to that game alone? Some of mine include Street Fighter Third Strike’s weird mix of hip hop, acid jazz and house music. Or Katamari Damacy’s theme with the fun vocal melodies. Thanks for the show and keep safe everyone! -Nick from Vancouver Island


Hey Ben and Panel, How much sleep does everyone typically log.


Hey Minnmaxers! I just recently picked up Beat Saber for the PSVR - being stuck in the house and all. I know Kyle is a big fan so, these questions are for him (feel free to join in obviously). Favorite songs from the game? Also, other games similar to it in the sense that it is fun, but you can also get a bit of a workout? Thanks for helping me get through this - I really feel like we're in this together. Stay healthy!


Hello Computers and Cohorts of Loving Ben. Is there a place you know well that you ever got to visit in a game? What were your thoughts? Maybe I'm just jealous because no games take place here but whenever I play something set in a real world location I always wonder what people that lived there think. The closest I've ever been was visiting Florence years after I had played Assasin's Creed II. Left me wishing I had played it just before the trip. Anyhow thanks for all the content and congratulations to Jeff for deciding to use this time at home to sit down and finish RDR2.