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Welcome back to MinnFAQs, our weekly Q&A for $20 supporters on Patreon! Starting with the relaunch, we now release the audio version for $5 supporters every Monday. So here's a fresh take on the state of the world... but we try to stay positive!

We hadn't officially announced it, but wanted to let you folks know that the community meetup for the spring and the connected charity won't be happening. We'll keep the same charity and community meetup structure for the summer though, so please look forward to those dates in the future!



Have you considered doing a livestream extra-life type fundraiser for the charity in place of the meetup?


It's a good suggestion, but I don't think it works for what we had planned this time around.


I had thought maybe CoD: Warzone or Apex... some large population game platform could be coordinated through the discord with you guys doing some live streaming?