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This week on the podcast, we'll be joined by Matt Helgeson! He's the former host of The Game Informer Show podcast and recently announced host of MinnMax's first new podcast in the podcast network MinnTrax! You can click here to subscribe to this dueling album review podcast, the first full episode is coming up on Friday. We'll also have a post looking for MinnTrax questions going live tomorrow morning, so save your best music questions for that one.

It's your turn to make The MinnMax Show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

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Hi Ben and the CLC's, As a huge fan of building out worlds and lore, I love the idea of what Square did with FFVII anthology. What game would you like to see have its world, lore, and characters explored more deeply in different forms of media?

Hugo Pereira

Hey Benny and the CLCs, Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that, on videogames, you need to keep jumping and moving to get out of quicksand? If someone's first contact with quicksand is through a platformer and then they find themselves on one in real life, that poor chap is doomed if he tries to do what Mario does in order to get out of it. Is there any other very misleading things that videogames teach someone that could get you in a pickle if applied in real life?


Hey M&Ms, I have a game for you! You’ll be hearing the some of the Youtube comments from a teaser or reveal trailer, and guessing which game it’s from. I’ll include four comments, in order from least to most obvious. You’ll also get the year the VIDEO was posted. Keep in mind that the comments may not all be from the year video came out! If you feel like keeping score, you can assign points based on how early one of you guesses. Four points for guessing on the first comment, three for the second, and so on. Hope you enjoy! (2014) 4. Shotgun pump and door opening sound = instant nostalgia. 3. Enough bf and cod. Back to old school. 2. The most important question is: Will the BFG9000 make it into this version? 1. R I P A N D T E A R Doom 2016. Teaser showing of the Cyberdemon, ending with a reveal date at quakecon. (2012) 4. Whenever blank uses that see-through-walls move it sounds like he's saying "Haggen-daz". 3. One of the few games where the game is just as good as the trailer :) 2. Trailer advertises blank killing people left and right, but to get the good ending in the game you have to kill the least amount of people possible 1. I wonder if THIEF was an influence on this game? Dishonored. It was that classic trailer where Corvo is running around on rooftops, mostly in first person, and showcasing all of his powers. Notable for most of the things shown in the trailer being doable in game. (2014) 4. I think gta 6 gonna release before this game 3. He might be like " i got bitten but who cares lets just exercise as always hell yeah" 2. Shooting location: ocean drive from vice city 1.Turns into a zombie, still continues his jogging as one. Now that's dedication. Dead Island 2. It’s the trailer where that guy is jogging along with earbuds as the world falls apart behind him. Also, he had bicep implants. (2016) 4. After playing the game, I feel like blank could be making academy award worthy movies 3. I remember when I first saw this trailer. I didn´t understand a single thing. Fortunately, now, 3 years later, I understand close to nothing. 2. As long as this game makes tons of money, gets great reviews, and has Konami crying in the car, I'll support this regardless of how weird it looks lol. 1. SONG: Low Roar - I'll Keep Coming Death Stranding. That initial trailer where Norman Reedus wakes up on the beach next to BB, and cries while he cradles him. (2015) 4. Be wary of death. 3. I can't wait to kill that thing by dodge rolling and slashing its back for 2 hours. And I'm not even being sarcastic. 2. when i grow up i wanna be that giant at the end :D 1. Praise The Sun! Dark Souls 3. Reveal trailer that showed off some familiar locations, and Yhorm the Giant.


Hey crew! So I never had any interest in trying the FFVII remake until I watched your stream of the demo. Ben, you were so excited for it and I haven’t felt that way for an upcoming game in a long time so it encouraged me to play it too. The combat is fun, the music is awesome and Cloud’s hair is not distracting. What games have you gotten into cause of someone else’s enthusiasm for it?


Hello Matt and the CLCs! I'm very excited for the new music-centered MinnTrax podcast. In anticipation, can you think of any albums from your pre-high school teen years that don't make you scoff, and that you still enjoy today? For me it would have to be Deftones' "White Pony", and Tricky's "Maxinquaye". Bonus points if these albums land outside your parents' influence and potentially inherited taste. Thanks! Love the show, keep up the great work. -Ryan from Portland, OR


Would you rather... have your legs turned into glazed hams or your legs into Jon Hamm heads? For clarification, the hams are covered in a pineapple glaze. As for the Hamm heads, one leg is Hamm doing Larry David and the other leg is Dick Whitman, NOT Don Draper.


Hey Ben, Matt and the muppets What UI elements would be helpful in every day life? It would also be nice to have names displayed over the heads of people you *should* know the names of (i.e. distant relatives, etc)...


Hello, hello! A bit late on the question, but hey I'll still write something! My question relates directly to my current situation. Basically, Sunday at work, I became suddenly sick, got diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis. Basically I'm fine, but I can't walk straight for now and moving generally makes me feel sick so staying in one place in a good idea. So now I'm stuck home for a minimum of one week without being able to work on doctor's order. (Oh btw, I'm from Quebec so I'm not in crippling debts because of this). So yeah I have a lot of free time suddenly and I was wondering about a classic question: What are the games you would recommend or generally play yourself when you're sick, unable to do much of anything for a while?


Hey CLCs, What is the best or your favorite “jump” in gaming. (To clarify, I’m literally asking about the leaping action not hardware improvements.)


Hey guys. I know it's a bit late but I had 2 coincidences in mind when you talked about it on the show. They're nothing to crazy but here they are. I was playing Stardew Valley with a friend online. She was telling me about work while I was in character creation for our new farm. I was deciding on a name and i asked her what the name of the coworker she was talking about. As i was typing the name "Tammy" she said the name at the same time. Another time i sent my friend a song i thought he might like. He told me he was listening to pandora and googled the song that was playing. it was the same song i sent him. Thanks for the show. Can't wait for the next episode!


What's up MM crew. What was the coolest or weirdest mod you've downloaded for a game? I'm getting my first gaming PC tomorrow and can't wait to check out some mods for elder scrolls games. Thanks, Bill-Detroit Michigan