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Hello hello! Now’s your chance to make The MinnMax Show better by submitting a question, comment, trivia game, or anything at all! There’s a solid chance we’ll read it on the show this week, and we’re shaking things up a bit this week. This week’s show will have a special retro theme, and features Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and newcomer Ana Diaz. Please leave anything that’ll make the show better as a comment below!



Hello Ben and the Gang, I'm writing in to express my disappointment in not being able to be the first one to break the news on my findings. See, a few days ago, I was reminded of the Pop Tart vs Toaster Strudel debacle while working and decided to take a poll as I was certain there was no way people preferred Pop Tarts over Strudels. To my amazement, however, 5 out of the 6 people I asked chose Pop Tarts. Anxious to prove them wrong, I surveyed their favorite Pop Tart flavors (Chocolate and Strawberry) and, after work, I obtained said Pop Tarts and their flavor equivalent Toaster Strudel. That night I also learned my wife preferred Pop Tarts. I considered divorcing her, but I later learned she had never tasted Toaster Strudels. The next morning, I had each naysayer taste their favorite flavored Pop Tart side by side to the objectively better Toaster Strudel. The result: 100% of them said Toaster Strudels were better. My favorite comment was, “I want to punch myself in the face for ever thinking Pop Tarts were better.” Other findings: most of them had either never had Toaster Strudels or had only had them once before. They thought Pop Tarts were more convenient and the commercials, more alluring. With faith in the world somewhat restored, and the relief that I can remain a married man, I sat down that afternoon, trying to organize my thoughts in an intelligible fashion when I get a notification: MinnSnax Pop Tarts vs Toaster Strudels. My heart breaks as I see V-squeeze summarize all my findings into one entertaining video. There was nothing to do, but to eat another Toaster Strudel, make a Patreon account and complain. Thank you for all the amazing content


Hey Computer-Loving Cohorts and Benn (two Ns!). What is a game you can complete with your eyes closed? I’m always returning to the LucasArts point-and-click games I grew up with, like Day of the Tentacle, the Dig, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. There isn’t any challenge at this point because I’ve played them SO MUCH, but I still enjoy them. Is there a game that you don’t find challenging anymore that you still enjoy?


Which retro video game series do you wish was still around today and why do you think a new one hasn't been made? For me its either Timesplitters or the beat-em-up style TMNT games.


If you could put any character from Chrono Trigger into Smash Brothers who would you put in and what would their moves be?


Hey everybody! A cashier at a Circle K commented on my MinnMax shirt and I got really excited and asked "You listen to MinnMax too!?" Then he got really quiet for like 30 seconds while I was paying and then said "I've just played too much Final Fantasy to not know what MinMax is is all." I hurriedly tried to explain to him what MinnMax with 2 Ns is while my family tried to usher me out the door, but I'm pretty sure he just thought I was a nut. I tried. The End. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, Chris Bartlett


Hello Ben, Ana, Jeff, and Kyle, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. If you could have one of the caps from Mario 64 in real life, which one would you choose? Red, Green, or Blue? Loving the content! New segment suggestion "MinnHax". Life hack suggestions by supporters and the MinnMax team for improving quality of life. Thank you all, Adam


Team 17 recently came out with a trailer for a co-op moving game called Moving Out, and I gotta say, it looks like so much fun. What're some of your craziest moving out stories? I had to fight with a crazy landlady once. I'm moving out, and she came down to inspect my apartment for the deposit. She disappears around a corner, I follow her, and I see her trying to break the bathroom sink faucet handle thingy! My guess is she was gonna come back with it and demand I don't deserve my deposit. Here's hoping Team 17 includes this kind of experience in their game! Cheers, AnAttackCorgi


This morning while I was shaving before work I thought how much I'd love to have the ability to just scroll through head and facial hair options like a character creator. Who needs super strength or flight or bullet time...if you could have a mundane video game ability what would it be?


Ben and Cohorts. I bumped up to the $5 tier to play along with Chrono Trigger and have been slowly going back through old all the previous MinFAQs. A couple weeks ago you made the statement that "if you are listening to the audio version on the patreon player you are doing it wrong"..... And, you were right. I was doing it wrong. Thank you for explaining what an RSS feed is. What times can you remember when you were completely ignorant in the face of new technology? Or you realized that you were doing something totally ass backwards? Keep up the good work!


Ben and the crew. What is a genre of games that you shunned and would never play but now find yourself enjoying? For me it was Rogue-lites and likes. Games like DeadCells and Children of Morta have made the genre accessible and fun for me. What genre have you found yourself playing now?