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Now's your chance to make the show better! Leave a thought/topic/question as a comment on this Patreon post and there's a good chance we'll read it on this week's episode of The MinnMax Show podcast! This week we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez.

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Hallo! I am a video game composer enthusiast. And i think the composers get far too little credit. But who cares. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time got a criminally underrated soundtrack! Just listen to Pirate Radio. And I have looked everywhere, but I can not find the composer of that score. It is beautiful and I want to hear more from that human being! If you would like to hear the soundtrack here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMDs_97kf5E&list=PLUGjQCkGYjYin2EAqudZk-tJcG6P6tipH&index=26&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdvY-VCe6Rs&list=PLUGjQCkGYjYin2EAqudZk-tJcG6P6tipH&index=20&t=0s Hate your show!


I've been watching random old episodes of The GI Show and I just so happened to listen to the one where you (and Tim) interview Greg Miller about leaving IGN and starting Kinda Funny. Now that you've pulled a Greg Miller, how long until Greg interviews you about leaving Game Informer to start MinnMax? Also, did you ever consider calling this new venture Definitely Funny? Cheers and thanks for everything y'all do. P.S., What do I have to do to get some Downhill Domination content with Kyle? It could be the beginning of a new show all about sick stunts called "Fantastic Feats and Where to Find Them."

Lukas Ramey

What are your thoughts on how negative other explosive outlets are on games and the industry? It's like they enjoy dropping a big IED on anything that might be remotely popular. Is there a valid place for these different types of inquisitions that tend to think of themselves as the sterling silver of the industry, or do they only help to bring the industry as a whole down? Love the positivity you all bring to the industry!


Do you feel like your access to developers and gaming new sources in general is about the same as before leaving GI? If not, have you been surprised or dismayed at how much easier or harder it is than you thought it would be to generate the content you want.?


I’ve got to be honest. Before MinnMax (two n’s) I didn’t know much about Jeff. In fact I held a huge grudge against him for his 5.75 review of a great game “Kingdom Come Deliverance” while the game was buggy at start after a day 1 and week 1 patch most everything was taken care of. No game has ever made you feel so weak at the start like an actual blacksmiths son and feel like you are actually improving with the character. Regardless, how annoying is it to have to play games for reviews before patches come out as that is a more common occurrence now? Ps. I know have given up my grudge against Jeff which I am sure was worrying him. Have enjoyed hearing him more on MinnMax as he is a delightful human being.


Hey Minnion mASSters, is there any way Mixer can overtake Twitch by the end of the next gen?


Having spent a bit of time with Pokemon Sword and Shield... The curry cooking... It's hilariously bad. it's not just me, right?


Hey Minnis, For the entire year of 2020 you are CURSED and can only play games on ONE modern console. But good news: You get to choose which console to be locked into. So which is it? PS4?? XBOX?? SWITCH???


Hey. You are the homies. As a person filled in a world of terrible things, I must complain. Why is the Halloween bullshit still going on in Borderlands 3? It’s Thanksgiving! I hate video games sometimes.


How doo you guys go about choosing to use a pokemon, do you use what pokemon designs look cool, try and make a balanced team or do you use long time favorites?


did ya'll go all digital with switch or carts? my friend recently got a switch and we've debated it heavily.


Also can you do a session stream with Leo as a special guest? Currently obsessed with that game