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Welcome back to The MinnMax Show! On this week's show we unload our full thoughts on Star Ward Jedi: Fallen Order from Respawn and how the game compares to Dark Souls. We also do the appropriate amount of venting and celebrating the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield before talking about Microsoft's X019. After that, we turn the show over to you all on Patreon as we answer some of your best questions from the week. Thanks again for all of your support, it's amazing to see MinnMax continue to grow. 

To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.

4:25 - Shenmue 3
8:45 - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
39:20 - Pokémon Sword and Shield
1:00:40 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's leaked battle royale mode
1:05:45 - Minecraft Earth
1:07:50 - Obsidian's Grounded
1:09:10 - Age of Empires IV
1:11:50 - The future of Xbox Game Pass
1:21:35 - Thanks to our biggest supporters
1:23:05 - Questions/comments from Patreon
2:58:00 - Get A Load Of This



Made my night at work so much better


I gotta say, no matter who wrote your intro, it sucks :( It sounds like a cheap Christmas jingle in a 90's tv series.

Roberto Zayas

I actually kind of like it. If Kyle was a wrestler, this would totally be his intro song :)


I couldn't agree more. Love minnmax so much but the intro is less catchy than GI's old intro


Edward Bailey I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Thank you


Talk about underrated, my favorite was man of medan, played it with my mother ,who's in her 50s, and we had a great time, great bonding experience and really fun.

Hugo Pereira

I respectfully Disagree. That song conjures the image of a happy Banjo and warm fuzzy feelings while still feeling gaming-y, whcih i think its minmax distilled to its best

Jake Z

I agree about Pokémon. I'm loving the game, but I do think that the highest grossing media franchise of all time should have more people working on their premier game series. Or at least make this game for the kids, and another more open/difficult game for the older fans. Why can't they rotate teams like Call of Duty does? It's not like they're some auteur's vision. They're just as conservative as Call of Duty. Anyway, I am truly enjoying the game and it does feel like a step up for the series with good quality of life improvements, but I can't shake the feeling that it could be better.

Jake Z

Love the groupthink question. I've thought about this a lot, as I've consumed a lot of gaming podcasts and reviews over the years. The biggest example of game critic groupthink in recent memory to me is everyone saying The Outer Worlds is a commentary on late/modern capitalism. It's not. If anything, it's a commentary on early capitalism, back when the East India Company controlled armies and acted as a quasi-state. In modern capitalism, corporations do not control armies. In fact, it's political science 101 that states are defined as having a monopoly on violence. So the "corporations" in The Outer Worlds, which control armies and may use violent force on their workers, are fascistic dictatorships and nothing resembling a modern corporation. But seemingly everyone in the games industry bought into this leftist interpretation without really understanding political science or economic history.


Sure, you got the right to disagree. I didn't mean to start some argument I just really don't like it, it's not as snappy as the GI show intro was and I have zero connection to Nintendo64 games so that might be the fault on my side.


Maybe it had its moment in the sun, but I adored A Plague Tale, from back in May. By virtue of it having no chance of landing in any top ten other than mine, I feel it qualifies as overlooked.


I'll bet that was an ideal way to experience that game. I found it really disappointing, but I recognize I may have self-sabotaged by playing it alone. Good to hear this perspective.


I used to be an orthodox Jew, and a little extra sauce on the Golem from Jewish folklore. My mom used to live in Prague, and said the Old New Synagogue has that Golem (the protector of the town) still in its attic. She said that when the Nazis came to Prague, between persecuting the Jews there, they also checked out the attic. Some say a Nazi stabbed the Golemn itself, and died. Others say the soldiers couldn't open the door, but one soldier saw an opening through the wood so he could peep through the other side. Once he looked through the hole, he died immediately. The Nazis promptly 'noped' out of there.


I had my comment read on this episode, and yet my favorite moment was STILL the Cat Stevens clip. Laughed until my stomach hurt and I was wiping tears.


For an underrated 2019 game; Bloodstained is absolutely a top 5 game for me. It’s so good and I barely hear anyone talking about it as we get closer to the end of the year.

Mr Pop

The back-and-forth in this episode was killer. Some segments were so silly that it was a true challenge to listen to this at work. Love your work - this is *the* podcast I look forward to week to week "post-GI".


I had a hard time getting over the backstep button. Im so used to a directional dash now. Ill give it another go when its patched for swith.


Please, don’t call MinnMax listeners Minnions. I’m sick of the yellow little dudes from the Despicable Me and if you decide to call your listeners Minnions I’m out...