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Coming up at noon Central, Ben Hanson and Jeff Marchiafava will be going live with a community Q&A. We take our questions from the live chat, but if you can't tune in please leave a question as a comment here and we'll try to address it on the stream. Thanks!

The link and video should be in the post above, but here it is again - https://youtu.be/Ds0w3IHJS6U


MinnFAQs - 11/11/2019

MinnMax's Ben Hanson and Jeff Marchiafava talk about the week ahead for MinnMax with the community.



I grant permission to edit this question to make it show-worthy, I'm more looking to validate my own hot take in whatever capacity all of you Minni's feel fit. I promise this will be the last time I post this one and then I'll it be - questions below! Hi guys! In reference to your "how to make a decent video essay etc" you mentioned the importance of music. To tie this in to games, I'd like to bring up a hot take and a couple of questions closely related therein. First, the hot take. Most GREAT games (read GOTY candidates) require a great soundtrack. I would argue that a game CANNOT be great, or even GOOD if the music isn't memorable. In light of this, two questions: 1.) Do you agree that a game's soundtrack is as important as gameplay or other factors, and is often overlooked as a major determinant of a quality game/experience? What is everyone's favorite video game track and/or composer? (Mine is the soundtrack from Raptor: Call of the Shadows - an amazing DOS game from ages past!) Thanks very much, Eric from Rochester, NY, not Minnesota.