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Every Monday I stream from my living room and answer questions from the $20 supporters, and now the plan is to release the audio from these streams the following day for all of you wonderful supporters! On this week's stream we naturally had a lot of questions about Extra Life at Game Informer, but there's plenty of other good ones throw in the mix. Please look forward to our group stream called The Great GOTY Hunt on Tuesday and The MinnMax Show on Thursday! Thanks, everybody!




Congrats on another successful Extra Life, you guys! Glad you all had fun!

Mike Sweet

Kind of off topic but what day will the $5 supporters get early access to The MinnMax Show? If it releases on Thursday for free feeds can we expect Tuesday or Wednesday? You record on Wednesday, right?


Cup of Hanson! I love it!


Hanson, where do we submit questions to the show each week? I left a question on the previous lead up - is that the repository that you'll be drawing from? Is there an email we should submit questions to weekly?


Great question, we'll get it up in the feed as soon as we can. Most likely Wednesday nights.


Hey, I've just been reading the live chat. In the future I should have a place where people can leave questions ahead of time though.


That would be nice, seeing as I'm a teacher, and can't watch at stream times usually


Nice job guys. By the way, funhaus's dude soup podcast did a little bit of a shout our to you guys, just wanted you to know people are taking note and wish the best for you!!!