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Hey everybody, here's a fun bonus discussion for you! Former Game Informer intern Jacob Geller (@yacobg42) was in town so I sat him down to talk about his success creating video game essays for YouTube, Shadow of the Colossus, and why you shouldn't be seduced by Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky. You can watch the discussion on MinnMax's YouTube channel if you prefer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLq8esOv_Ew

You can check out Jacob Geller's YouTube channel right here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeTfBygNb1TahcNpZyELO8g

Thanks for another amazing week, everybody!




This is terrific. Love the bonus videos!


Jacob is the bomb! Good call doing a quick episode with him.


This was awesome! Lots of specific tips rather than vague pointers. 8 main tips plus about 30 others.


I love videos like this. I have zero interest in making any video game essays but really enjoy hearing about how they are made. It was very insightful. Please keep the varied and interesting content coming.