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We just launched our merch store for MinnMax, feel free to jump in and customize your order! https://minnmax.com/merch

Tomorrow at noon Central, Suriel and I will be kicking off the first ever episode of MinnMax Mondays for folks at the $20 tier. This will be a great opportunity for a live Q&A session, and we can even watch a YouTube video together over SyncTube if you'd like! We'll make a post tomorrow with the link.

Also, we'll be making posts in the first half of the week for patrons looking for questions/comments for both The MinnMax Show and The Deepest Dive on The Outer Worlds. Thanks again!




So I like the idea of merch, and I love MinnMax since I’m already a patron, but is this really the final logo? It looks pretty simple. Are there plans for a new one as you grow bigger?


Oooo a mug! Buying one of those for sure! I really love the “make the show better” quote on the back


Will there be a way for patrons of other tiers to ask questions about the Patreon and what-not, sort of like Cup of Jones?


Great question! I answer some questions in the Discord, and I'll discuss the idea with the $20 backers about releasing the audio from MinnMax Mondays after the fact.


Feels too early for merch tbh. Plus that logo needs work.


I love the simple, legible logo. But the first round of merch is whack lol. Would look good as a sticker or on a coffee mug.


Seeing some criticism on the logo and the merch store. I just want to say, thank you for doing this! Some of my favorite outlets still don't have any official merch and it drives me bonkers. I've been wanting a Reply All mug for a while and even emailed their site to request one. They simply said, "Oh yah sure. thats a good idea. maybe one day." And that was that. Reply All is a hugely popular podcast from a successful podcast company that was recently purchased by Spotify for millions and still have almost nothing on their "merch store." Seriously! go look! its terrible! I'm pumped to get an official MinnMax mug. Should be coming in the mail sometime next week. Even if the logo changes, i'm excited to get a coffee mug with the OG logo. People will be envious for years to come!

Mike Sweet

Need a "Two Ns" shirt.


I wouldn't have brought in Merchandise this soon if I'm honest. Feels like the channel needs some time to find it's footing first. While I do think the logo is fine-ish – I would've probably tried something with the "i" and "x" being as - and + – I would've waited for a while and come out with a wider selection that feels less rushed. Just my two cents.


+1 To having an actionable desire to buy merch if it looks rad!