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Hello again everybody, this is the last update before the weekend... I swear. We're happy to introduce our upcoming game club discussion on Obsidian's The Outer Worlds. The discussion will be three episodes long, with the first releasing on October 30th and covering everything in the game up until you reach the planet Monarch. Stop right when you land on Monarch! We'll make a post on MinnMax's Patreon page early next week looking for your specific feedback and thoughts on the game, the more specific the better. Thanks for the support!


Get Ready For The Deepest Dive On The Outer Worlds

MinnMax's Ben Hanson and Jeff Marchiafava introduce our upcoming game club discussion on Obsidian's The Outer Worlds. The discussion will be three episodes long, with the first releasing on October 30th and covering everything in the game up until you reach the planet Monarch. Stop right when you land on Monarch! We'll make a post on MinnMax's Patreon page looking for your specific feedback and thoughts on the game, the more specific the better. Thanks for the support! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax



Now I'll have an excuse when I tell my fiancee I need to play Outer Worlds all weekend! I can't be late to the game club! ...also I will blame you when our relationship dissolves like sugar in a big cup of MinnMax coffee. JK!


I just got this from gamefly. Perfect timing. I hope they add the show to Google podcast because it is he only app that consistently works on my old Android phone.


Only about 45 minutes in, but I think I’ll actually be able to keep up with this “Deepest Dive!” It’s a bit of a slow start, but I guess that’s all RPGs. I was hoping for better shooting mechanics, but I’ll get over it. Such a fallout type game I’ve been missing. I’m really looking forward to the game club! I mean deepest dive!


Downloading this game at a whopping 100Kb/s. Hoping to get it finished in time to join in on this Game Club!


I'll try to keep up!


One small suggestion, I don't think Deepest Dive is a better name than Game Club, maybe keep brainstorming for a better one ? With that said, no matter the name of the show, I'm looking forward to listening to it. How about Quest Log ? Gotta get back to The Outer Worlds now.


Nice! I never participated in GI game club. But with patreon you will definitely be hearing from me. Can't wait!


Not a fan of 'The Deepest Dive' as a name. Feels like you're changing the name for the sake of it, rather than it actually being a better choice.


Meh, why change what's not broken, right? When Top Gear guys moved onto Grand Tour they kept everything they could without triggering BBC's legal department. I feel like MinnMax guys should do the same.


It'll probably be a little bit before I'm able to tune into the discussion (I don't think I'll be able to start playing until sometime in the first week of November), but hopefully I'll be caught up in time for the second episode!


I don't care either way for the name "Deepest Dive", it's fine. however i'd prefer "MinnMax's Community Deep Dive of..." it lets you know at a glance the community is involved. kind of like how the term "game club" implied it's a group to be joined in on.

Mark M

Maybe I need to get this then...but my backlog!


Ben has a natural talent at fostering a good conversation. I’m looking forward to learning more about the others. I’m going to enjoy being part of this new adventure.