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Hello, everybody! Ben Hanson here. I'm still trying to process everything that's happened since we launched yesterday, it is overwhelming in every sense of the word. We literally would not be able to do any of this without your support and we cannot thank you all enough. I've been thinking a lot about how rare this situation is, it took so many people and events to lead to where we're at right now. This is so special.

There are so many details to share about our plans for the future and how this whole thing will operate. A lot of those answers will be found in the "Episode Zero" of our flagship podcast called The MinnMax Show. We submitted the podcast to iTunes and Google Play on Tuesday, and are just waiting on approval before we release it publicly. If you're a $5 supporter with access to the exclusive shows and RSS audio feed, we'll be releasing the episode this morning. In the future The MinnMax Show will be free to everybody, but we'll add it as soon as we can to the exclusive audio feed.

Please keep spreading the word about MinnMax, we're making it better and better at this point. For now, we'd love if you subscribed to our YouTube channel. We'll have an update on there today about our first game club discussion... it's out of this world. https://www.youtube.com/minnmaxgames



I was shocked to hear that Hanson was leaving the GI Show but this is probably the best outcome I could imagine. Props to Hanson for taking the risk and putting this together. The power of friendship can overcome all challenges!

Jonathan Perez

You guys rock! Happy to support your new show.


Ben. I was heartbroken when I heard the news that you were leaving the GI show. But I was happy again when I saw this project which I fully support and wish you all the best! Even better, Kyle, Suriel and Jeff are also here!!! Amazing! This is going to be awesome!!!!! Best of luck!

Karl Ruben Weseth

Congratulations on your launch! Ever since I found you over a year ago now, the GI Show has been one of the best things about my week, especially Ben's interviews with various industry professionals. Looking forward to this venture, and thrilled to be able to support you! As it looks like you're going to be making Patreon your primary publication site, I'd love it if y'all made an index post at this early stage, archiving all your posts in an easily to find place. Patreon's infinite scroll eats memory like candy, making an already cumbersome organising system even more impractical. With an index/master post and robust tagging practices, you'll ensure that all your content is easily accessible, navigable and searchable for future patrons (and yourselves), even when your posts start numbering in the hundreds and thousands.


This is the first project I've ever donated to. With Ben, Suriel, Kyle and Jeff I imagine this will be gangbusters. I'm very excited to see all of the great things you guys will go on to achieve.


Hey B’Hansen and the former informers!(insert kinda funny reference here) I am so happy to hear that you guys are starting your own podcast and I am happy to be a Patreon subscriber. I like to tune into the information you guys put out every week because it’s professional and hearing you guys discuss the gaming industry is such a delight. Keep up the good work and I intend on hearing more from you guys very soon!!!! (Although a bit sorry to see you leave GI


Extremely excited for what's to come!!!


Hanson and Crew, I just wanted to let you know that every goal you listed in episode 0 is on the money. I can't even remember them all, but to name a few: staying positive, timestamps , the show plans, variety in faces coming in, the deep dives, really just about every point. Additionally in terms of advice for the future, I think the deepest dives format will probably be one of your more unique selling points. It's crazy how more outlets don't engage in that type of discussion! As long as the passion is there I would say keep them coming!


Hi Ben! This move makes complete sense! Super excited to listen to you guys! And definitely looking forward for the live goty deliberations!


I was completely caught off guard when I heard he was leaving, but as soon as I learned that he had started this, I was so excited! This is going to be a great journey, I can feel it. :)


i agree with the sentiment here, this feels like being reunited with old friends. i'm so glad y'all are doing this. can't wait for ton's of "deepest dives"! even if it's for a game i'm not playing, maybe it will make me go buy it, who knows? :)

Jeffrey Rommel

Best gaming podcast ever! Can’t wait for to see what y’all are up to!

Andrew Malkin

Just found this Patreon. I'm glad you've gone the route of Easy Allies and that it seems to be successful so far. Wishing you guys all the best!