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In April we revamped our Patreon tiers and added a new option for the highest tier, where any member of the community can jump up and trigger a "Cohort Hootenanny" where as many of us as possible will get together for a loose, extra podcast. A huge thank you to Ted Ryser in the community for being the first to join the Trigger A Hootenanny tier, and also for being a huge part of the reason we hit our Dungeons & Dragons goal as well. In the first-ever Cohort Hootenanny, Ben Hanson, Jacob Geller, Leo Vader, Sarah Podzorski, Haley MacLean, Janet Garcia, and Kelsey Lewin talk about whether we consume MinnMax content, the Connections To Independence fundraiser where the community was celebrated, and our thoughts on the big community meetup happening in September. Thanks for listening and support MinnMax, everybody!

You can watch the video version here - https://youtu.be/1_PF9jNdswk


Tyler Courtney

I loved this, haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.