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Hi, it's Kul here!
Oh my, so many news this month, let's take it one by one...

Flaming Flagon

Flaming Flagon will get it's first large update this month.
Picking up from last time, you will start working at Flaming Flagon and live out your day to day life here in Felda.

This update will introduce Odachi and Niall. Along with Terrance, they will be the first three guests you can pay attention to.

Odachi the Sellsword

Niall the Aspiring Adventurer

Dragon Island

Dragon Island will be released on Steam on March 12th!
Make sure to check the Steam store page out if you are interested.

If the store page is not available in your region, you can purchase Steam key on itch, the key will work regardless of your region.

NSFW add-on will be on my itch for free sometime after the release, you will need the base game to play it.

Deers and Deckards

I know I said there will be no more story update for Deers and Deckards... BUT!
Here we will have a collaboration update with Dangpa!

This update will rework and expand one of the endings of 4th Extra Story. Sigurd's encounter against hoards of demon spawns will be all new and much more spicy with Dangpa's artworks!

The update will be Patreon only, and will be out this month!

For the HD-art pack of these spicy artworks, check out Dangpa's page:

That should be all for now!
This will be very busy month for me, hope you will enjoy all the contents!





Really looking forward to the Flaming Flagon update!