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Hi! It's Kul, I'm here to introduce you to Flaming Flagon, and my working plans for rest of the year.

Flaming Flagon is a romances + nsfw game concept, set in a fantasy world populated with anthro-mon characters. In 0.1 you will see following characters:

Fen(Your Name) - Protagonist

Gunther - Tavern owner

Terrance - Cart carrier

More character will be added in future updates, like this dino grandpa!

(I know they are all red and orange, I promise there will be more color variations!)

Flaming Flagon 0.1 is a pilot episode type of product, it's quite short, but showcases the overall mood and concept I'm going for with this project. I hope you will enjoy it! You can find download links in a separate post.

For this year I'll continue focus on update Deers and Deckards and finishing artworks for Dragon Island. So there is no promise that Flaming Flagon will see further update this year, although I might add some new gameplay mechanics to test.

The goal of this release it to gather your feedbacks and wishes, you are very welcome to adds your thoughts and wants here in comment. There will also be polls regarding characters in future.

Dragon Island will be published this year, and Deers and Decakards main story is excepted to be finished before the end of year.

For the foreseeable future, there will be monthly Deers and Decaks update, including this month. Please look forward for 1.7 update this month, the young couple will see to save their dads, but there will be dangers lurking at corner...



uuu~ That tentacle enemy is so hot! damn!


I love everything about this already! Fen is adorable; Im already firmly attached to him. I hope I'll be able to play this on mobile like DaD 🙏


It's real it'd actually real? And I thought you weren't going to make it. Thank you! 😍🥲


Will there be multiple endings to Deer and Decks? Good ones and bad ones?


The current poly relationship route will have multiple endings, in future we will add other routes results with endings of their own (Sigmund or Sigurd route)


The new game looks very promising and def worth the attention. The Deer and Deckards is getting real good and hope for more in the future.