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Time we discussed this.

So, right now I created four folders that are rather obvious (01-Basic Posing, 02-Hurt Poses, 03-Pinfalls, 04-Corner Poses).

That helped keep the list down, but it's getting too long to scroll through and I really don't use search. So the obvious thing to do is to group up other moves.

One that I'm going to add is 99-Referee, because I have a few referee poses and I should make more. Those will be extremely handy for me, and probably others.

But it's other stuff. Where do you stick hammerlock? Do I make an entry for Suplexes? Should the moves be assembled alphabetically? Is it a 'power' move or a 'technical' move? I can create a submission folder, but where to other moves go?

Have a folder for A-K, L-Q, R-Z, with subfolders for the first letter inside those?

Alphabetically seems the most sensible, in a way. If you know what move you want, you just use the first letter, but some moves have more than one name (i.e., Argentine Backbreaker is a Torture Rack), so do I copy and put them in multiple folders?

I'm leaning more towards the alphabetized approach, personally, staring with a root folder of '00-Moves.'



Making multiple copies of poses is redundant. My suggestion is pick the most common name for the move and use that for it's alphabetical placement. The thumbnails of the move should make it pretty obvious what it is in most cases. However, if you were to include a readme file under a Documentation folder that had a reference list, that would be greatly appreciated. Example : sasori-gatame - aka Sharpshooter, Scorpion Death Lock

Clever Words

I've been kinda pedantic with mine, like Pins, Strikes, Submissions, Slams, etc. and then folders for moves with a lot of variants like Pile Drivers, Powerbombs, Boston Crab, and so on; If I make a one-off move that isn't a variant, I've got folders that categorize the main body part targeted like Back, Arms, Legs, etc.