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What have I been doing lately?

- Trying to clear out my inboxes. Seriously, I have a download folder, an inbox folder, which has several other inbox sub-folders, and a "mega-inbox" folder because I gave up on trying to process the main inbox folder. All of these folders have downloaded art, purchased 3d assets, and other things that need to be dealt with. I also have a bunch of open browser tabs of things I have been meaning to post or download. I want to get to "inbox zero" so to speak

- Kicking off 3 new commissions. Well, 1 serious commission, 1 about to start, and another that will probably start in a month. 

- musing about changing my name. see the discord

- trying to get the Krampus male-sex YCH thing going. I know what I need to do, I just keep avoid doing it

- trying to avoid getting distracted with new projects like the DVa x Widow sequel


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