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Trixie (actual name Turik'Zei) is a mischievous demi-God from another plane who came to Earth thousands of years ago. At some point in the distant past, most of her powers and her original body were taken from her, and she become trapped in a diminutive "Imp form."

She retained some of her original powers, primarily possession and limited mind-control. Trixie is tens of thousands of years old.

In her own words:

Twelve thousand years ago, my boredom was so crushing that I thought it was going to be the end of me. The world of shadows seemed to have given me all the amusement it could...but then, all of a sudden, it tore itself open to show me something new
This world was on the other side of the tear - but it was very different, then. Humanity's accomplishments in magic and technology were so vast that even with my original powers, I lost when I crossed over. 
A powerful holy woman, Arrella Anfara, stole away my divine strength and sealed me in this tiny, weak body. She had me petrified and buried in a tomb of rock, believing that no one would ever be able to find me there.
...but time has a way of unraveling even the most ingenious plans, and I had eternity...




Love this model. Definitely need more with her


Question. All the Women she's possessed so far, will they become part of her own harem? Maybe perhaps possessing one like her own surrogate bodies?


I think that was an idea that was discussed. Millie is in a different time period, but the cross Guard (another way in) and Amelie (Imp Tornado) are in the same time. It's possible that after possessing Amelie, Trixie could "call out" to the guard and have some fun with her too