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Some users here and on "the net" have been asking for a version of Zoe & The Wolf with less fur. I originally wanted to do a "stays female" version and thought I would mix in less fur (human boobs), but changing out the "Jerk" with "Jill" was too much work. 

I decided to just do the less fur part, since it's just a little texture change and re-rendering. I re-used the texture blend that I originally made for Krampus; nice to get more use out of that work.

Anyway, this one is for you pervs who like lady werewolves with human boobs ;) Enjoy!




wish she didn't grow a giant dick, however the video was great minus the dick.


Can't you also replace the rest of the fur with human skin?

Rin Yumetoba

That turned out really well, nice


I don't think werewolves look right without some fur, and I'm not going to spend more time rendering a 4th version


HA! I knew it! You're too afraid to render a version without fur! What are you, a chicken? Pawk Pawk Pawk Paaaaawkk