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  • Face_Mask_Slime_A.mp4



Another test for a possible future video. As you can see, it involves a mask that pumps the prospective wearer full of slime.

The challenge here is having the mask connected to the woman at the end of a tentacle that can move around. Well, and that both of those things aren't the case at the beginning.

Normally I'd attach (parent) the mask to her head, so it would follow her head movements, but in this case it isn't connected so firmly. The mask is instead parented to her chest (so it follows her head but not as closely). 

The tentacle uses a constraint to keep one end in her mouth; that constraint only comes in play once it's past her lips. The other end of it has to be animated to go where the mask goes, which is a nuisance.

The hands also use constraints to keep them on the mask, which makes it easier to do the "struggle" part.  Basically I don't have to pose the hands/arms, they just stay on the mask.

The bulge going down the tentacle is another problem. I had to use a magnet, since none of the morphs looked right. It's attached to the mouth end, which helps, but the other end of the tentacle moves around a bit, so the magnet has to be posed. Another nuisance.

For some reason, I just NOW remembered a better way to do this, which is to have the mask constrained to the end of the tentacle. That will mean I just pose the tentacle, and the mask will stay on the other end of it. I'll have to do another test with that setup to verify.




This is badass! I can't wait to see what else comes of this.




Well, if another test is needed, then do it. I wish you good luck in successful testing and we are waiting for the results


I love this :3


Amazing! Can't wait to see what comes of this

Bruce W. Liu

I love the way you talk us through the process and come up with a solution at the end! 😂


well, getting filled w slime like that usually results in... swelling


Thanks! The 2nd test did not work out, for some reason the constraints for the hands were freaking out, so it was going to be more work than this


body expansion would come next, but I already know how to do that :)


Well, my brilliant solution turned out to be a dead end. Poser didn't like the crazy stuff I was trying to do


so how fare are you no batgirl part 4 is it coming out good or went need too now. you gif clip be good to see men.


thanks! glad you like it! If you want to ask about content unrelated to this post, please use the community feature or send a direct message


What happens next? 🤔


well, it seems like something is going down her throat. If you know my work, you can imagine what it might do