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  • v4_melting_test_C_ceiling_cloth_1.mp4



Third and hopefully final test for slimegirl. I think this one looks good enough for my purposes :)

As suggested before, I inverted the scene, meaning the "ceiling" is actually the "floor" and everything is upside down. A round "slime" cloth is resting on the ceiling, and a slime painted model comes "up" through it feet first, wrapping around it. The feet actually don't collide so they come through, and an invisible sphere is used to pull the cloth down.

When the camera cuts, everything is flipped by upright. The model is on the ground and a new "slime" cloth (the first slime cloth flipped and scaled) is above her. It falls through her, colliding only with the invisible sphere, at the same time that her body expands from "very skinny" to "big and busty".

Together, I believe this creates the illusion that the woman is forming from the falling slime. It should be dark/fast enough that the seams will not be readily apparent. At any rate, you know what I was *trying* to do :)

After this, miss slime would turn her attention to that bed in front of her, though I'll have to replace it with a better one. There will be cloth sim sheets too. Oh, and an introduction... you can't just start in the middle of the scene with the slime showing up!




That's pretty convincing, looking forward to seeing what you can do with this concept.


it will get much easier for me now that the slime girl is "lady shaped" :) Also having her go under the covers is much easier to simulate


This looks great.


Thanks! It was a decent amount of work, good to know it paid off