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I had an idea about how to do a slimegirl, specifically turning from slime into woman form. This is the reverse of what I actually rendered.

I made a copy of Vicky4 and ran a cloth sim on her in an upside down room, so she flies "up" and smushes into the ceiling. Then I created a large latex disk that appears from nowhere when her head hits the ceiling and enlarges to cover a much larger area. A morphing sphere was added to get the "droplet" effect on the top of her head and extend the time she's connected to the ceiling. Once rendered, the whole video is reversed so it appears like she goes from the ceiling to the ground.

The effect is... just okay. The cloth sim accelerates the longer it goes, which means she goes faster at the "beginning" of starting to take shape and slower once she's fully woman shaped. This is kinda the opposite of what you'd expect, as the slime would start dripping slowly and go faster the closer it was to fully off the ceiling.

Also, the cloth did not expand or otherwise "gloop" like I was expecting it to, so it just doesn't really look like slime to me.

I have another idea that I want to try out, where the large black disk is a cloth object and the Vicky4 model falls into it, pulling it downward and into the room. The feet would show first, and the further she went down, the more lady shaped the "slime" would be. However, eventually the "top" of the "slime" would need to come down at some point, and how would I transition it into the upper portion of her body?

I could also do the same idea but have the slime on the floor, so the woman rises out of it and takes shape that way. We'll see.



Bruce W. Liu

Great explanation.