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Update: I felt bad that Peach's TF happened off-screen, especially after Lara got the full treatment, so now there's a "full-busty" version. Some sample images are added to the end of this set, but you can find them all (plus PDF) on Mega 

So remember that Imp I made? Well Karuda made a suggestion and I liked the idea so much that, well I got a little carried away! And now we have Peach discovering the power of the Imp!

It seems Peach has been corrupted by her demonic influence, causing her to grow horns and become very hot and bothered! If you want to see another version of what happened, perhaps with some cut-away views, you can check out this link. The full version will be posted to my other sites later.

Thanks to Daruak for helping me out with the dialogue, always a pleasure to work with him.

As a bonus, I did one with the Bowsette get-up, though that's not really canon for this sequence.




Wonderful possession sequence!💖 The imp being small and floating around reminds me of that VaM video with the little flying demon I shared on discord. 😆

stephen jenns

Amazing work as always, always a pleasure seeing your work!


Really nice


This is great! Does this mean we might see a video of this in the future?


Love it


Thanks! Ya, that was a good scene, too bad the demon didn't possess her.


Thanks! I had a lot of fun with this one, good to know it's well received :)


That's always the question right? I'd have to change out the clothing for dynamics, but it could be possible. Will have to be later though

stephen jenns

I personally can't wait to see what you do with that one sequence with the human turning into gass~


hot damn! i've been wanting something like this for a looooong time! soooo, when it gonna be animated?


thanks! I have a lot of other projects, so it will probably be awhile


probably not anything for awhile, I think we're going with a different sequence to start wtih