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I've been discussing some ideas with my peers, and some things came up that I hadn't tried before, so I figured I'd should see if I could do them.

The first is a woman transforming into mist. I rendered the scene once with the woman in a static pose for the duration, and another time with no woman and "mist" instead (the robe falls to the ground in both versions). Then I blend the two videos together. 

Overall I think it works pretty well, but I have to work on the mist texture.

The second is a mist going into a woman's mouth, perhaps these are related ;) I used the same cloud from the first test and ran a cloth sim with a small "choreographed" group at the front of the cloud that moves forward into the mouth (and beyond).

I had to mess with this one a LOT before I realized that the V4 model has an inner mouth mesh that the cloud was hitting. Once I "fixed" that issue, it worked better, but still not quite where I want it. It will work, but again, the textures need help.

Just to be clear, I'm not actively working on anything with these, they were just quick tests of feasibility. Werewolf and Futa Bowsette are still next on the docket.




I like the animation hope in the future a animation with a good type of this animation ^^ keep it up :)


Another possession animation this will be good hope to see it soon