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Okay, this has got to be a record for me, I don't think I've thrown something together this quickly before!

Story wise... who knows! Is the pumpkin is cursed? Maybe it's actually the spirit of the pumpkin she's carving? Or is it an alien parasite disguised as a pumpkin? Or (as a patron suggested) perhaps it's inhabited by the spirit of a witch or demon or something?

Regardless, it seems our young woman here has ended up on the receiving end of it, and now she's not quite herself anymore ;)

If there's time, I'll throw some dialogue and sound effects on it, but basically I think it's ready to go. How does it read? Does it flow well? Anything missing or confusing?




I love the "Alien disguised as a pumpkin" idea ;)


Heh, cute, but maybe add two more pumpkins to her chest after the fact so she can be a self contained hive :P


Well that's something.

Yeania Aeon

hope there will be a futa version as well


That was not what i expected, But i love it! Not sure what it is about that, But i just love it!


this could be a good one to make into a full animation for next year maybe. love to imagine the stretching sounds as it gets up in her and the crunch when it goes into her head oh yeah and tits getting bigger after possession someone said - love that idea!


Wow! Amazing work on this possession sequence! I think adding one panel at the start of the final page, where she surveys her body in some way (i.e. looking at hands or down at her body) would better convey the possession aftermath. Anyway, great job!


Really nice work :3


They landed in October and mistook pumpkins for the dominant species. They quickly realized their mistake and are looking to correct it


Wasn't planning on any TF this time, since I'm trying to round out the different kinds of outcomes. But she may still function as hive w that other pumpkin in hand.


Maybe in part 2? What if she grew a pumpkin "root" out of her body?


Glad to have pleasantly surprised you! Lmk if you figure it out, cuz I'm in the same boat :)


I planned it as a video, but barely had time for the comic. Definitely will consider animating it at some point


Good idea! Would also round out the last page to 3 panels. I'll see what I can whip up!

David Rodoy

REminds me of the possession sequence from Evil Aliens, where a woman's 'baby' moves up her body into her head and it turns out it was an alien head all along.

The Hippy Hebrew Homestead

X-ray of the skirt part to explain the “alien” slipping out of disguise into the woman’s body.


Based on the bulges, I'd say it was pretty committed to the pumpkin shape and took that along with it


oh yeah~


love it can;t wight see your next work men and love the batgirl one too.


Pumpkin root futa