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A few artists have done renditions of my characters, so I thought it was time to start doing some of theirs. Share the love and all that! I created this 3D facsimile of Hugo's character Britney. She's always possessing someone (usually Darcy) in order to get a stacked body, so I thought it was time she become the stacked body instead. 

My first thought was to have her receive some kind of necklace or ring that would simply bimbo-ize her, but I was working on this other scene to test mirror mechanics (w/ futa Riley), and decided to dump her into it instead. Why not make it a crossover with my Succubus Eisheth right?

Anyway, this is non-cannon and (again) light on story. Britney wanted to check out some cursed mirror (who knows why) and was bummed to find it was a dud. Chatting with her friend on the phone (who calls anymore? well it was the pose I had in my library ok!), she is distracted enough to not notice the occupant wandering around, checking her out. Maybe not such a dud after all...



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