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"When Ayasha didn't return home, her friend Thede went looking for her. Thede found the remains of Ayasha's clothing, then the remains of Ayasha found her. Thede gasped at the sight of her friend's enormous new body, then screamed at the sight of the beast's throbbing erection..."

I thought up 3 different ways the "Ayasha" story can continue. This is the last one I finished story-boarding, but I think if this version happens first, the other two can also happen (with slight re-arranging).

The spirit that took over Ayasha was a male wolf, and now that he is flesh again, he longs to lay with his mate. Before that can happen, the mate needs a body, and Thede's is ripe for the picking.

Ayasha thrusts his wolfhood deep into the quivering maiden, eager to try out his new member, but also ensuring that Thede cannot escape. The mate spirit appears and presents herself in front of them. Ayasha pushes the terrified woman down towards her new owner...



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