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Izzy leaves her little town for the big city, and over a number of return visits home, her family watch her get more and more accustomed to the posh cosmopolitan lifestyle.




I love it. But when I made the suggestion I thought about the reaction of family members to the girl's changes. But this is not seen in your story.


Showing the family's noticeable reactions works if it were a simple before & after of suddenly returning home as a full city tart, and you can convey that stark difference clearly and effectively. However, when her change is happening over the course of multiple visits home over a length of time, it's all too subtle to think her family would have big demonstrative reactions over each little change. It's like the analogy about dropping a frog in a pot of already boiling water vs water that's room temp and slowly brought to a boil. Because of that, I thought to focus on the girl herself and with subtext try to convey how her behavior with her family subtly change over time.


She's changed so much (for the better) in 6 images...wonder how far she'll go with 9 more remaining. City living can really change a person!