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Hey everybody!

So all of you, I'm sure, are aware that I've been working on a new bimbo comic (probably my longest to date). Back when I first announced I was starting production, I had expected that if I kept a steady pace it would take about 6-8 weeks to finish. Well.......that obviously hasn't happened. Between delays, outside circumstances, and just periods of low output, production has just been unbearably long for me and I'm sure for you as well.

The original plan for this comic was to wait until the entire thing was completed and to release it all at once. Since however that it's taking so long to finish, I don't want you guys sitting around forever waiting and not seeing anything. So I've changed how it's going to be released.

I'm breaking up the whole comic into 5 separate issues, and each issue will be released once that portion of the story is complete. I can't give dates for when each issue is released due to reasons listed above. But at least this way, there will be something to show for it and we don't like we're just waiting forever for something.

I can tell you all that what comprises of the 1st issue has been completed and it will be released exclusively on Patreon this weekend!!! I'm still deciding whether the comic will be released to the general public on a one issue delay (meaning issue 1 is released once issue 2 is on Patreon) or isn't released until the whole thing is finished. Either way, you - my supports - get first exclusive access it all of it.

Thanks everyone for your continued support, and look forward to this weekend!!


Jason Kershner

Awesome! I'm so excited for the new comic.

Implants Only

Hopefully there are implants in this work