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Sorry everyone, nothing to post this weekend and I'm not totally sure about next week either.

I've been pushing towards a major deadline for next week at work and have been needing to step in for others who are out on vacation at the moment.

I'm also in the midst of moving homes this month and all that it entails.

Needless to say there's a lot of things going on right now, and I hope you guys understand. Thanks for the patience and support.


Oss Ickle

Good luck with all!


As others have said, real life comes first. Sending good vibes your way! We’ll still be here when things calm down


Are we going to have an update this weekend?

Dan deMan

Hey mate, do you think we’ll get a new post this week or will this week also not be possible?


Difficult to say still. It would likely have to be something small or a one-off, since I don't have enough pages ready yet for another Accolade or Bottled Potential post.