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I hope you guys enjoyed Unintended Boob Job, I mean not Accolade. I had fun working on it, and I quite liked Madison’s character. It was also neat to work on a sequence/series where the physical change occurs once at the start and the rest is spent exploring her mental state adjusting to it. Much of the time with series like these, the physical changes are happening gradually throughout alongside the mental changes, so this was an interesting change of pace. I considered making an epilogue page like I’ve done in the past on other projects, and I had a few ideas on what it could be, but ultimately didn’t make one partially because I couldn’t decide between the ideas and also because it felt like it worked well enough concluding where it does.

Anyway, we now shift gears back to Accolade and Bottled Potential. We’ve got the rest of chapter 7 to complete for Accolade, and those parts will be coming relatively thick and fast. But once it gets to chapter 8, I foresee it being slow-going for that chapter. It’s a chapter I’ve been anticipating/dreading when it comes time to render for a while. Lots of complicated scenes, lots of background people, and lots of unique environments. You all remember the big date scene at the end of chapter 6 that temporarily K.O.’d my computer? Now imagine that level of high intensity renders for an entire chapter. That’s what chapter 8 is going to be. It’s going to be a slow arduous process to produce those pages.

Bottled Potential, I mean also not Accolade, is going to be resuming as well – but I’m not sure for how long. My workflow for that series has been really stochastic and not very efficient. What it is, is that I have the initial outline of the whole story mapped out and most of the first draft of the script written. I would go through revising a scene or two of the rough draft into a final draft, and only model and render parts once the final draft is ready for that scene. There have been times where I’m not rendering anything new for the series because I haven’t had the time to finalize the draft for that scene yet. So it may come to a point where I decide I need to just set the series aside for while so that I can concentrate on getting the full script finalized before resuming uploads.

There’s also the Girl’s Night sequence with Barbie and Jordan that I want to carry through to an endpoint. I got an idea for a fun little mini-arc to give it a climax/conclusion and make it into a proper series instead of just a collection of filler posts between other projects. We could see those posts pick up steam if Bottled Potential does indeed go on hiatus.



thanks for the update. really appreciate all your hard work! some of my favorite stuff of yours is the gradual style like Wish Fullfillment and Perfect U blogs, and bottled potential.


Damn it all! You win, Dynamoob. You win. I've lurked way too long and have succumbed... Accolade is just too damn good! It's a bloody masterpiece! I love it, love the slow burn and where it's going. Definitely your finest work. The art is terrific, your daz women are masterful...I even love the speech bubbles that slowly turn pink. What a touch.


Have you considered a tier for daz3d training?? You are the number 1 when it comes to this, so I'd be an easy sign up!