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Dan deMan

I know it’s been said too often here and Accolade will come after this one wraps up. Still I’d like too say that people asking for more regular updates on Accolade aren’t whiners. It’s been nearly two months and many people subscribe (partially) because of that series. Going that long without updates or even any information given is imo too long


Look, you should all know the situation, by now. Dynamoob hasn't been quiet about it, hasn't been misleading; you can go through the comments of any given post and see what's up. This isn't Kickstarter - it's Patreon. You aren't supporting a project, you're supporting a creator. You're here because you like the work he produces and want to see him make more. If you take issue with the manner in which he does his work... you can go. Come back later and see if there have been updates and resub then. Otherwise, you should be able to easily recognize that the Accolade comments have been made and you don't gain anything by making more. At a certain point, it's just harassment.