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Britney tries adjusting to how others view her and she view herself with big boobs, but it's difficult when Jack toys with her remotely.




Wish a vibrator like that actually exists, me and my partner has spent hundereds of dollars on "wireless capable/app use on phone" supposedly anywhere around the world yet barely works standing right next to her.


CA So, is there any chance Jack's last name is Rapport (Origin)

Oss Ickle

And please let us see that expression multiple more times.


I hope you are continuing this series your best yet! Hope the next segment comes soon!!!


"Nowhere, really" is a great line. Also love your use of the borderless panel on page 2!


Thanks. I'm still not the best at knowing when to break borders. There's probably rules for it and entire school of thought built on a century of comics language, but I mostly just go off a feeling.