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I’ve solved my rendering problem! I’ve increased my RAM capacity and from the looks of it that’s got me back up and running and capable of rendering again.

It definitely looks like a lack of memory was my issue with trying to render out these larger scenes. I was running 16gb before, now I’m working with 64gb. I decided to run a test again on the renders that were freezing up my computer before at 16gb, and with 64gb some of the renders were capping at about 68% memory usage. So, running a 43gb render on 16 gigs of RAM… no wonder my computer froze.

One thing this didn’t answer though, was why previous renders that could be completed before had suddenly start to freeze up – why the software’s memory usage suddenly became unmanageable. The timing of it all was right around when DAZ updated the latest version of Studio 4.21 with the release of the new Victoria 9 character. It’s possible something in it affected memory allocation – I’m speculating.

Anyway, with the time it took to fix this problem, I got some catching up to do on Accolade. I don’t expect new Accolade updates to be ready by this weekend, but hopefully for the week after.

Thanks for being patient with me.



Great. I was afraid I wouldn't see my friends Brit and Jack again for a long time.


How much ram are you using?