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At Cha-Chas, every guest is treated to a warm voluptuous welcome.


Alright, rambling time below.

Like I said at the onset, I had a lot of fun working on this series, and from what I’ve read in the comments, it seems you did as well.

I had several ideas on how to approach this. I went back and forth about having an explicit cause for the transformation; ideas included her getting hypnotized by a new-employee orientation video, or hormone-laced food & beer. Ultimately though, I went with the decision to leave details such as causes or timelines purposefully vague and ambiguous, which can open up the door for everyone to imagine their own interpretations for what’s happening (I really enjoyed reading some of your theories in the comments). The fact that her transformation never gets explicitly addressed but happens while she otherwise conducts her business was an interesting way to approach it as well – kind of like watching someone physically adapting to the environment.

I also debated how to visually portray the sequence. At first, I was going to format it with just Trisha with abstract shapes as a background similar to “College Corruption” or “Selling Out”. Then I decided instead to create full scenes for each page like I did for “Reversible”, which opened Pandora’s box for creating a ton more work for myself.

First, I acquired and customized a restaurant set for the scenes, and then fill it with supporting characters and extras. “Reversible” was a series that involved a few characters and a dozen different environments, and “Welcome to Cha-Chas” was the exact opposite. For each page I had to re-skin and morph all the diners (the ones Trisha interacts with AND the ones in the background). Then I ended up creating a full supporting cast of waitresses that pop up throughout the series. When I got to this final page and I realized how big Trisha transformed from the first page, I realized I needed to give each of the other girls custom morphs of their own to match her. So even though they spend most of the time in the background, the other waitresses are all transforming at pace alongside Trisha the whole time. I even named each girl if for no other reason than it helped me keep track of them in the project menus while working. For those interested; from left to right it's Lexi, Sasha, Trisha, Haley, and Kiki.

One thing I did know I wanted to do regardless of which suggestion won the original poll was to have a redhead. Don’t ask why – it’s been a while and I just had the urge to create a red-haired bimbo. Something I realized after the fact and developed by accident is that I made a freckled ginger named “Patty” as the lead character, so she definitely has some Irish in her.

There were a couple ways I thought about concluding the series. One as discussed a bit in the comments was to bring it full circle and have Trisha being the mentor for another new hire. What made decide against doing that was the feeling of an endless loop and creating an expectation to see the newest girl transform as well. I already essentially created five bimbo waitresses, I felt that was enough. Also, I wanted an ending that focused more on closing Trisha’s arc than introducing another new character. This ending better solidifies Trisha absorbing into the Cha-Chas! Family and becoming one of the girls. It also codifies the series title in a nice way.

If it were to happen, having Trisha mentoring a new hire will probably work better as a bonus or epilogue page, like a post-credits stinger that happens after the primary story has wrapped up. We’ll see, I won’t rule it out.




This was a great comic! I loved reading the work that went into it as well.


Thanks for the little behind-the-scenes explainer of your process on this series! When I made the suggestion, I had no idea you’d take to it so much; I predicted it would just be the character with abstract shapes as a background or something. I love that you had such a great time making it though :) in talking about the cause of the transformation, I’m not sure what my headcanon is, but the one thing I feel sure of is that Trisha is oblivious to the changes. And I got the idea for the initial suggestion from one of the many subplots in Limerick’s story Nine Yards, where a regular pub basically becomes a breastaurant as the world bimbofies :)


Caucasian,black,celts,latin and asian


I for one loved it.


Excellent transformation great little story, well done :D


Loved it, and love the thought process behind it. I also enjoyed the open-ended nature of the "how" and what Trisha's mental process was. It makes it an almost endless story, allowing the imagining of different mechanisms and different levels of awareness each time. Very fun, beautiful work as always, and a great capper to one of your best works so far!


Thanks!. Way more work went into this series than I originally expected.


It was a good suggestion. I picked it as finalist as fun yet simple to make sequence, but the "fun" definitely overpowered the "simple to make". I got the better of myself at times with all the extra elements that I kept adding into the final product. I think that not having the changes ever explicitly addressed helps support the theory she is oblivious to it all.


When it came to the other girls, I really wanted to have a diverse cast and not just have them all be blue-eyed blondes


I think having ambiguous elements are great for certain stories. Sometimes you want to interpret it one way, sometimes another way - and both can be valid.