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Getting dolled up takes time and effort, and Britney's not going to let it go to waste even if Jack returns from work completely exhausted.




I feel like more wardrobe changes are coming before the chapter’s end ;)


Yeah, those pubes are history. Bikini wax coming up?


Will we get more accolade this month?


Love it! As I said before, and I'll say again, I like how mutual this progression feels. There is obviously a bit of domination, sure, some pressure exerted on our heroine, but I like how she owns these experiences and views them as a broadening of her horizons. Discovering how much she enjoys new sensations and tastes through such experimentation is great! 'Course, there are a lot pages and chapters to go. Even if things escalate and do so wildly, I do appreciate these first couple of chapters, and how they've employed a softer, subtler approach to the fantasy. Eager for the future!


Well said. The doors are opened for her, but it's still up to her to walk through them.