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Winner of the most recent Suggestion Box.

Joanna, a strung out workaholic, comes to Dr. Rapport for guidance to a less stressful way of life. She can actually be seen in the background of Bimbo Eyes during various points in the comic, and now we get to learn more of the details of her experience with the good doctor.

It's a very classic Stepfordization transformation from a worker bee into the dutiful, happy homemaker that I don't think I do that often.




Eyyy!!!! Perfect! Even better than I imagined when I suggested it ^_^


I love the idea of going into the background of stories to find other tales to tell. It makes the world feel bigger, and sets us up to imagine the lives of all kinds of little side-characters in your work!

Thomas Tolliver

Love these. I'm always a fan of the work that's a little less exaggerated! :D


Excellent job Dynamoob! Love that pink outfit, and also big fan of the transition from session one to two. Might try my own version with the same starting point and see where it leads me, if that's ok.


Love this transition. The hairstyle change is wonderful, I love to see such a style worn so provocatively and in such a beautiful manner. Just a wonderful sequence!