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Chapter 2 kicks off the following morning, and Britney tries to better understand what it is about the ditzy voice that is so special for Jack.



Kalle Klovn

Really good so far!


So, so good!! The artwork is your best yet I think, and the story is top notch! It’s well worth the wait when the finished product is so good!!

Mika W

Awesome story so far. How many chapters will this be?

Marquis Green

This is getting good! Loving the facial expressions in this!


She's very cute and this is amazing so far. Please don't alter her face TOO extremely? Oh well, I'm along for the ride.


Those eyes! Is this a young Dr. Rapport in the making?


So far, this is one of my all-time favorite bimbofication stories


I love it! Very sweet beginning. As much as I adore the fantastical and beautiful aspects of girls becoming divas through some powerful, magical, hypnotic force, I really like the realism of seeing a couple just… experimenting! And having fun with it in a healthy way! I’m sure things are going to get absolutely crazy, but I really like how things are starting and how innocently things have started out. This really does feel like a typical relationship exploring some new game, and the walking of that thin line between reality and fantasy is under appreciated, imo! And of course, as others have said, the art here rocks and is very enticing for future chapters. Thanks for the art!!


While I do enjoy a little crossover or two, Jack and Dr. Rapport are not the same characters.


Thanks so much. Independently, both Limerick and I were looking to explore a more reality-based type of bimbofication, so this project was a happy convergence for us.