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The result of Barbie after taking a second bottle perfectU has sent her full bimbo.

Just so you're all aware, this is not canon. It is more of a "what if" alternate timeline. This pinup actually came from someone submitting the idea into the patreon suggestion box, so it goes to show that your suggestions can become reality. Don't be afraid to shoot me you're thoughts. 

Incidentally, this picture of Barbie actually what I initially envisioned when conceiving the perfectU blog, but as the story progressed her character began to evolve differently than I had predicted.



Matt Ginn

perfect U is one of my favorite blogs. Would you ever consider doing another one like it?


Doing another blog-format story? Maybe someday in the distant future, I won't rule anything out. Doing another story based off perfectU? That's a much more open-ended concept and very likely to happen at some point.


Awesome! Any chance you can post more phots of her after overdose


I got a couple bonus portraits that I plan on uploading in a day or two.


Are we going to get to see how Barbie behaves/ speaks after Overdose?


As of right now this was intended as a one-off. That being said, I can never rule anything out in the future.