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Hey guys, sorry for the slow down in uploads as of late.

My day job is one that will have waves of high-intensive deadlines that lead to longer hours and all-nighters, and this last month has been one of those waves.

Good news is that after the untimely demise of "Girlfriend Builder", I've been working on an outline for a major new bimbofication comic. It's a story that I've been wanting to make for a while now, and I'm really excited about it. That's partly the other reason uploads slowed recently because the time I have after work has been spent on this new story outline since that's where I'm finding the most motivation.

So, I have a few open projects on my plate at the moment: the latest suggestion box sequence, a different original sequence, and the next installment in "Bottled Potential". I think I might be able to get one of them done this weekend - which do you want to see? I also have a stockpile of Melissa pinups that I can post more of for the time being if that's something you guys like.

Thanks guys!



Suggestion box sequence for sure been waiting for that one

Ciera Carrera

I’m holding out hoping to see the transitions begin in Bottled Potential.

Eric Ramont

I want more Bottled Potential.


Original sequence!


Original sequence


really like the slow progression of how the PerfectU blog worked, rather than just a two or three panel sequence. Bottled potential seems neat, but its been taking months to get to an actual transformation...